Monday, June 19, 2023

Monday Various

We had an excellent Father's Day with a fine, expensive dinner and cake afterwards. We had a Jameson's. Also we took the girls to the swimming pool, which was nice. we're sore from the effort once again. That counts as three days in a row of exercise, so today is an off day. 

Awwww...the real Ed stopped by the blog and left a comment. We do so love hearing from the Mother Country.

Notes on the Special Military Operation...The ISW reports again and again that the Ukrainians have made 'limited gains'. It seems all of the fighting in Ukraine is taking place outside of the Soviet's Russian's main line of resistance. The Russian's draw Ukrainian forces into a village and then counterattack. Russian drones have been extremely effective, especially their KA-52 helicopters. We've also seen reports that the Ukes are pausing the offensive. 

On the Red Dawn Thingy, a commenter comments, 'You can make the Mexican Qadhafi a man who is promising to get California, Texas, Arizona & New Mexico back due to losses of the US/Mexican war. Especially Texas. He could be all talk and no action just like Qadhafi.' Which is more or less what we had in mind. Mexican Qadhafi wants to avenge the Mexican War and make Mexico the dominant country in North America. 

More on Hezbollah war plans. We admit we didn't think of this one. 'In our opinion, explosive-filled terror tunnels are one of the threats and “surprises” that might be expected in a future confrontation with Hezbollah.' Detonating a mine under an IDF position or a northern town would be a hell of a coup. That being said, we know Israel has top-secret tunnel detecting tech. Hezbollah knows this. Hmmmm... an unknown-unknown. 

Okay, the Battle of Lyngen Fjord. Aryobukt Fort is center, and the Froy Defence Line command center is in the south, which is why Ivan is landing there. Expect Soviet Spetznaz to drop in too:

Monday Metal. Motley Crue's Theatre of Pain is a classic for one reason only. You'll just have to trust us when we say that song and video were a big, big deal in the spring of 1986. But the rest of Theatre of Pain is actually pretty bad. Smokin' in the Boys Room is a lame cover, a song elevated by a fun, very 80's video. There are exceptions to Theatre of Pain's mediocrity. One of those exceptions is below, Louder Than Hell

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