Friday, June 16, 2023

Writing Writer Writes

We once more admonish our news-junkie self for consuming too much news. We close the computer and put down the phone with a sense of despair and outrage. Often the news leaves us wanting to punch someone in the face. 

It's Friday. Which means it's the end of a long week. We'll plug on as best we can today. Updates tomorrow.

We love posts like yesterday's when we just keep getting good stuff to write about and put it up late. 

Today is, okay. 

More war talk in Israel. Israel Radar discusses Hezbollah's war plans. They ain't pretty. Missile bombardments, terrorist units attacking towns in northern Israel, chemical weapons, commando raids on the coast. And that's just what Hezbollah wants us to know. As always, what are the unknown, unknowns.

Author Dean Wesley Smith has a series titled, 'I Feel Bad for New Writers'. We agree with most everything DWS writes about indie publishing. He makes some keen and valuable insights about how the rules have changed and trad publishing just doesn't get that. They're dinosaurs. Launch dates, launch specials? What year is it? Book signings? Sure, go ahead if you want to sit at a table and watch people walk past trying not to catch your eye. We publish a book and just wait for word to get out.*  'You must...' are deadly words in DWS's world, and ours as well. Everyone is different. The only thing a writer must do is write. Everything else is negotiable. 

Staying with writing advice and process, the great Robert Stacy McCain talks about a problem every writer has, the Deadline Crisis. Ah yes...Most of our deadlines are self-imposed, yet we still feel them. Back when we were colluding with Russia!** we'd feel the looming deadline all week. Thursday night was our rule. Devotees will recall we'd love sending a piece to Moscow before bed, and seeing it in pixel the next morning. 

*The New American Order pierced the top ten of its Amazon category without us doing a thing except for pressing the PUBLISH button.

**Said in Tucker Carlson voice. 

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