Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Ukes of Hazzard

The blog traffic surge continues, with older posts (2018 right now) being the focus of whoever is visiting this blog. What's up Singapore? How can we help you? We've no idea what this is about, and we're highly suspicious. [I'm surprised you don't think it's the Feds-Ed]. Now that's a possibility. Right? The Feds are scanning this blog using a VPN to make it seem like the effort is coming from Singapore. 

Excellent but difficult back-to-back days at the gym. Taking Youngest Daughter swimming on Sunday sure did have long lasting effects. We changed up the exercise routine with a different mix of machines. This felt good on Tuesday but not so good on Wednesday when it meant doing the Stairmaster (murderous) and then the rope pulley.  

A long writeup on the Ukrainian counteroffensive at 1945. So far, the author is not impressed. 'After the first week of fighting, however, Ukraine has been completely thwarted in its main effort and belatedly made some progress towards its secondary objectives. Though it’s too early to declare the operation a success or failure, early signs are alarming for Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF).' 

Who can say? Perhaps the Ukes reverted to norm and went the full Slav, 'Frontal armored attack, da comrade.' They'd be eager for a high Slav score after all. And a frontal armored attack would score 4.5/5 on the Slav Scale. Also, the Ukes were once Sovietski. Or maybe this attack is one giant distraction. Maybe the real hammer will fall elsewhere. But overall, so far, so not so good for the Ukes. Click on through. 

A new poll tells us that West Bank People* want war. 'The poll, conducted by the Ramallah-based [West Bank Person] Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR), also showed that [West Bank People] support for the two-state solution remains as low as it was three months ago. Support for the concept of the two-state solution stands at 28% only and opposition stands at 70%. Three months ago, support for the two-state solution stood at 27%.' General Natan Nagid would say there can be no peace, only victory. And he would be right.

So we just finished the first chapter of Steven E. Woodworth's Six Armies in Tennessee, part of an excellent series we've read before and are reading again. The Tullahoma campaign was a mess for the Army of Tennessee. Braxton Bragg kept surrendering good ground and falling back toward Chatanooga. The other generals loathed him. One keeps wondering, when and where do you intend to fight, General? They named an army fort after this guy?

We find ourselves with a vague yet persistent urge to start watching the Dukes of Hazzard (always used to think Bo and Luke Duke were in Tennessee, till corrected by the leader of this blog's formidable Confederate Contingent). Which we haven't seen so long that Daisy was just some dumb girl who got in the way of the good stuff. 
If you can't feel this in your bones, and never got in a car Dukes of Hazzard style, or cracked your head open trying to slide across the hood of a car, then you aren't Gen-X.

We've been doing a long chapter about a Sverdlov class gun cruiser in a duel with a Norwegian fort. We've got some footage of a Norwegian fort. Interesting and illuminating. We've decided we don't feel like tracking down vets from one of these forts and asking after procedures and such. We're assuming Norwegian fjord fort gun procedure will be similar to same everywhere. ' thousand meters...AP...' etc etc. Same with a Sverdlov. What we mean to say is, we're making it up. 

*Reminder, do not use the word 'Palestine'. There is no such place, there are no such people, only a collection of dispirit Arab tribes that colonized the Jewish homeland. That word is a social construct invented by Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Use West Bank Person for those living on Judea/Samaria, and Gazan for those living in Gaza. 

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