Monday, July 17, 2023

50 Week, The First Day

We had a soggy day up here in the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction. So far, no new water in the basement. There's always a lot to do around the yard, and today we got a tree guy coming to talk about trimming some branches the insurance company wants gone. 

More on Russia from the NYTs, 'Five weeks into a counteroffensive that even Ukrainian officials say is off to a halting start, interviews with commanders and soldiers fighting along the front indicate the slow progress comes down to one major problem: land mines.' We see once again that Supporters of the Current thing imagined a Blitzkrieg to victory, with demoralized and cowardly Russian soldiers surrendering on the road to Sevastopol. Instead, the Ukranian proxy army encountered landmines, trenches, massed artillery, kamikaze drones and...motivated Russian soldiers. Wars don't always go as we plan. See Lebanon-2006, Iraq-2003-2008.

What's happening with Israel?...A dem* called it a racist state. The culture war between the secular and religious as waged through the judicial overhaul continues apace. More rumors from Israel Radar. We're bored. Let's move on to other key Israeli/Jewess issues.

The leader of this blog's Confederate Contingent, after calling for a third Israel Strikes novel, asks 'off topic why does the Israeli military have so many beautiful women in it?' Why indeed. Israel is, of course, a Mediterranean country filled with Mediterranean women. Also, it's a young country, filled with young people, which means young women. And remember, in Israel, everybody serves. Except the Haredi, but we don't want them posing for the camera anyway.

Gal Gadot is no fluke. Back in the 2000s one could google 'Hotties of the IDF' and one would be bombarded by images of Hebrew martial beauty. Someone put together a tribute during the First Hezbollah War, of female Israel soldiers, mostly just hanging out, not even vamping for the camera. We've done a little googling, for informational purposes, you see, and found Girls of the IDF. We also found this. Again, these links are provided for informational purposes.*

Over the weekend we spent a lot of time researching Soviet VDV officers, getting the feel for their career path, general disposition. Good fun. 

We're turning 50 this week. Sooo....what's the next ten years gonna look like? Who can say? But we can plan. Yes we know what god will do. We're emphasizing World War 1990 this year, but this may be the last year we do that. Don't worry, there will be a World War 1990 novel every year, probably. But we published three nuke novels in the last two years and are quite pleased with ourselves. We'd like to pull off this trick again. 

That brings us to the Invasion 1984 trilogy, or the Red Dawn Thingy, which we haven't had much time to think about of late. We're thinking we'll start that next year, January 1. Once we stop thinking about World War 1990: Norway, we'll be able to think about TRDT. The second project is 2543, remember that? Earth vs Mars with some extra solar enemy showing up. [You've had that in the works for 5 years-Ed]. Why yes, yes we have. That's about half a decade worth of writing right there. That also leaves room for more projects, because we'll definitely get a spark. 

*Stroock's Books calls this Democrat a very bad word.

**We tried Girls of the Royal Jordanian Army but came up blank.

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