Sunday, July 16, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 7/16/23

Greetings from bucolic (and rainy) Great Barrington where we found puddles of water on the vinyl basement floor. We're not stunned, as this region saw major flooding earlier this week. The water seeped up, we think, as we can find zero evidence of water damage to the walls. However, we are dismayed as we just redid the basement after discovering a major moisture/mold problem last summer. Which was fun to deal with. That's the first time this house has ever flooded. It's pouring rain this morning, so we'll see. 

We found two frogs, a salamander and a cricket in the basement. That's actually pretty normal for up here. The cat has already caught two mice. Welcome to the country, as our grandparents used to say. 

We did get the boat out for a pleasant twilight cruise. So that was nice. And it hasn't floated away or sunk yet which is always a concern. Our grandmother hates boats (from beyond the grave) and is not above haunting them. 

We got rid of that boat. 

The women folk have hit the outlets, and it is the wise man indeed who stays home and finds something to do. 

Even the New York Times says, 'After suffering heavy loses, Ukrainians paused to rethink strategy'. So now we know. The Ukes had hoped a blitzkrieg would crack the Ruski's and win the war, or at least gobble up a lot of territory. That didn't happen. To our eye, the Ukes have been probing Ruski lines, looking for weak spots. They haven't found them. 

Israel Radar notes: 'Army launches yet another exercise in northern Israel; explosions & military traffic expected on Golan Heights. Reminder: constant drills will make it hard to tell when Israel prepares to launch a real strike. One day it may not be an exercise.' And Bibi bumped his head yesterday. Perhaps it's all a ruse to catch Hezbollah off guard. For as the Imams say, the Jew is clever. 

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 7/16/23. Well, we're turning 50 this week, which is why we're at the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction, and many a birthday have we spent up here. Anyway, for you young people, as one gets older, time just flies, and 60 is gonna come up fast. We're going to spend this week thinking about The Next 10 Years, personally and professionally. To kick things off, is there anything you people want to see us write?

1 comment:

  1. The third Israel Strikes novel or the red dawn idea is very interesting and off topic why does the Israeli military have so many beautiful women in it
