Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Fuel Lines Don't Burst!

Yesterday morning we damn near convinced ourselves that the boat had a gas leak. You see, we went to the dock and saw a rainbow oil slick, seemingly starting with our outboard engine and stretching across the dock line. We spent an hour trying to prove we had a leak but couldn't quite do it. We even saw a drip from the outboard, but it didn't smell or taste like gas. 'Why do you know what gas tastes like?' the girls asked. 

Finally, Oldest Daughter, showing us that she has the good sense of her mother, said, 'Everyone else on the dock took their boats out yesterday and they would have gassed up.' Quite right. The new environmentally friendly gas nozzles with a stupid trigger guarantee gas gets spilled. There was no leak and the Stroock family enjoyed their evening boat ride. 

In Israel, the Knesset has passed the first part of Netanyahu's judicial overhaul package. Powerline has a good summation of what's going on. As we told a friend who asked us the other day, this is really a proxy war between the secular and religious, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. This blog once again calls for a centrist Blue and White Party to step forward. Until then, these jerks will have a lot of influence. ‘UTJ proposes Basic Law to equate Torah studies with IDF service’. Most Haredi men don’t serve in the military and spend all day studying Torah while their wives work, and/or collect welfare.

Barbie seems to be doing well. We’re not surprised, Barbie is one hell of a brand. We’re curious to see if the box office sales drop off as word of the film’s bitter, angry, and barren feminist themes get out. Maybe, who knows? We have three daughters and of course they’re all going to see Barbie. What are we supposed to do, say, ‘Don’t do that…don’t do that…!’?* Haven’t you people ever seen Footloose? Do you even Gen-X?

Hot Air admits Ukrainian’s so-called counteroffensive isn’t going well. ‘The reality of the counteroffensive thus far has been quite different from the initial projections that were making the rounds. Ukraine waited so long to go on the attack that the Russians had more than adequate time to dig anti-tank ditches and set up fields of landmines. Ukraine has been unable to put a significant dent in Russia’s supply of Ka-52 attack helicopters and they have been pounding the advancing Ukrainian columns mercilessly.’ Sounds right to us.

So much for the Zelensky biopic (you know scripts are already floating around Hollywood) in which there’s a montage of brave Ukrainian troops routing cowardly Russians and advancingq1 to the Sea of Azov. Like the montage in Patton, or Charlie Wilson’s War, or something. The real counteroffensive is counter-narrative, isn’t it? [Oh, aren’t we clever-Ed] We are, we are. My god, the Neocons were talking about regime change and even breaking up Russia. These people never learn.


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