Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Regime and its Quislings

On Monday we hit the gym and altered our routine. We're sore and fatigued so no rope pulley, no Stairmaster. We're doing purely cardio/aerobic stuff. Yesterday we took a couple of the girls to the pool. An hour and half in the water is great exercise. So we had excellent back-to-back workouts. We'll probably hit the gym for more cardio today. 

Related: 'Short bursts of exercise can help reduce the symptoms of chronic depression, a study has found.' No kidding, for real? Exercise releases natural endorphins, uses rather than kills time, keeps one busy, gives one a sense of getting things done, and generally helps how one feels about oneself. 'I can't be fat, I just ran two miles.'

The Biden Regime uses imperial messenger Tom Friedman to warn Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israel. Quoth the Times of Israel: 'New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman penned a column Tuesday warning that the Biden administration is reassessing its ties with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, amid growing American alarm over the actions of the hard-right Israeli coalition.' There follows a long recitation of Friedman's column and analysis. 

Tom Friedman is the type of columnist/thinker who is always wrong.  In the 80's he wanted to send foreign aid to the Soviet Union to prop up Gorbachev. Friedman said he wanted to be 'China for a day' to get some things done. After two years of bloody Intifada, in 2002 he wanted to restart the 'peace process' claiming Arafat showed he could wage war and Sharon showed him he couldn't get away with it. Friedman's big idea was for Israel to return to the 1967 Auschwitz borders in exchange for recognition from the Arabs. We could go on and on. 

Stroock's Books has a complicated relationship with Netanyahu and the Judicial Overhaul bill. Bibi is probably Israel's greatest PM, but we can't miss him if he won't go away. We would love the old Blue and Whites to take power, but the coalition is weak and can't get its act together. The Haredi are total assholes. Some days we feel like a blog adrift in a sea of bad choices and contradictions in Israel

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