Thursday, July 13, 2023

Will? Jealous? Na!

We woke up this morning to a FB friend request. You know those really get us excited. 'Great! new people! Probably a fan. Ask me anything! Tell me of your homeland!' Then the balloon deflated as we saw it was a scammer pretending to be a young women looking for middleaged men to meet. [Those are the only kind of women, young, or otherwise, that are interested in you-Ed].

Saw this question on Twitter, 'How do you handle writer's jealousy or comparing yourself to other writers?' We don't. We really don't read much fiction. In fact we're read one new novel in the last two years, Jerry Pournelle's Mamelukes. The conclusion to the Janissaries series which y'all should totally read. We do this, or don't do this, because we don't want other people's ideas getting amongst our own, and we don't want that, 'Damn, I wish I wrote that' feeling. 

The party of Truman and JFK has become the party of Ilhan Omar. Minnesota's strikes again.  finest The Times of Israel reports: 'Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar announced on Wednesday that she would be boycotting President Isaac Herzog’s address to a joint session of the US Congress next week in what likely is to start a trend among other progressives in her party. “There is no way in hell I am attending,” Omar wrote in a Twitter thread that listed nearly a dozen reasons for her decision.' Ilhan Omar hates Israel, America and Jews. The article goes on to note that Omar banned a speech my Prime Minister Modi last month. Israel, India, wonder why Omar has a problem with those nations? Hmmmm....

Staying on the evil beat...The Guardian is slamming the Sound of Freedom and so is Rolling Stone, a BBC presenter was just exposed soliciting minors on social media [not surprising, this is the network that protected Jimmy Saville for decade on decade-Ed], the California legislature just killed a child tracking bill, and Disney has a new Satan friendly cartoon. Anyone noticing a trend? Why it's almost as if there's an international....Naaaa. 

As we write this at 8:08 AM in the morning, the pixels of a scene are clearing. Paras coming down, ground personnel running about, jet engines, Soviet amphibious vehicles swimming ashore noticed by an AA crew. 'Hey, Sarge, shouldn't we fire on those amphib vehicles, this 20mm could sure blow some holes in their armor.' 1 PM update, and so it was. 

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