Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Ideas? We Don't Got None

So in the last three days we've mowed the lawn, hit the gym and taken Youngest Daughter swimming. That's a solid workout regimen. Best proof of that is we're tired and sore this morning. 

Yes, we live in a banana republic, why do you ask? Honestly, we greeted the latest, and certainly not last Trump indictment with a yawn. Reminder, Trump won. 

We're not going to poll watch, but we definitely sense a shift in the energy for Trump, no? This blog wonders if the indictments only make Trump stronger - with the general electorate. 

Is DeSantis just another in a long line of promising GOP governors who failed to get the nomination, like Jeb, Scott Walker or Tim Pawlenty? Jesus.

On Twitter we've been following Trump people and Desantis people. Both peoples make excellent points about why their candidate will win. We'll see. 

But it doesn't matter. So long as the Democrats control the means of counting, they will win. 

Final thought, if the GOP can't win the presidential election due to fraud (sorry, fortification) then maybe it should nominate Trump just to piss off the left/media establishment and watch the crap their pants on TV.

Oh look, America's credit rating dropped from AAA to AA+. We're sure that won't have any repercussions. 

The Israeli the press, including publications that we like, has ramped up Operation Fear. Remember that from Brexit? Leave the EU and within months Britian will be wracked by inflation, shortages, bread lines. Instead nothing happened. And nothing will happen in Israel. Yeah, sorry, no. Nobody is divesting themselves of the Leviathan gas field because of an obscure Judicial Overhaul bill. 

What Will's Watching: Saturday Night Fever. Why not? Alternate title: Young Men on a Rampage. We wouldn't want our daughters around any one of these jerks. What's fascinating about this nearly 50-year-old movie is that upon release it looked utterly modern and contemporary. We don't really remember Disco, and our introduction to Stayin' Alive was almost certainly the Airplane! parody, but we remember Disco Sucks. At one point Saturday Night Fever was a badly dated punchline. The cinematography preserves the pre-Kotch, pre-Rudy New York, giving it an edge and grit. What a cultural snapshot and time capsule. 4/4

In our heart of hearts, we think advertising is a costly waste of time. How to grow the audience? We've no idea. 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe YouTube start a alternate history channel might bring in some more readers
