Thursday, August 3, 2023

Four (4!) Years

So on a whim we went to the old coffee shop we used to go to everyday but haven't been frequenting since the old owners sold. Well son-of-a-gun, the old owners walked in!

The leader of this blog's Confederate Contingent suggested starting a YouTube alt-history channel to sell books. We already tried that. Didn't work. We have thought of just gabbing away on Substack, or something. Maybe. We've been cross-posting at Substack for a while now. 

Speaking of...we've been bored with Twitter and Gab and haven't been posting in those places. The only thing we post on FB now are pictures of our kids. Our Civil War reading project has ground to a halt and we don't feel like doing anything with Spanish. We shrug indifferently. We have truly entered the dog days of summer. 

Justin Trudeau is a moron. But reader(s) of this blog already knew that. In the news up north, Justine and his wife Sophie are separating. Sophie is a former model and news reader. We urge a quick google search of Sophie Trudeau, for informational purposes only. Nice rack. [Knobhead-Ed]. Man, if you can't figure out a way to stay married to her...You're a moron, Justin. Castro is ashamed of his son, you know, looking up from down there. Justin's going to come out right? We think Justin is going to come out. 

Russia Today tells us that The New York Time's reports the Ukes have changed tactics: 'At the forefront of the offensive were Ukraine’s nine NATO-trained brigades, one of which – the 47th Mechanized Brigade – reportedly lost 30% of its American-made Bradley Infantry Fighting vehicles in two weeks. In response to these losses, “Ukrainian military commanders have changed tactics, focusing on wearing down the Russian forces with artillery and long-range missiles instead of plunging into minefields under fire,” the New York Times wrote, citing “US officials and independent analysts.”' 

So that didn't work. If the Ukrainians are going back to stand-off artillery barrages, how are they going to drive the Ruskis out of Ukraine? We've been watching a lot of retired army Colonel Douglas McGregor lately, with whom we briefly corresponded about A Line through the Desert in 2009 (he was a major in the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment). Anyway, he thinks the war is over and Russia has won. He may be right. To answer the question, 'How are the Ukrainians going to drive the Ruskis out of Ukraine,' they aren't. The Counteroffensive is over, and Russia won. Nevertheless (puts on Colonel Hessler voice), the war will go on, and on and on.  

Okay we found a note we sent to a friend about non-NATO ships sailing in Task Force 60. We sent that note in 2019. That means we've been working on World War 1990: The Final Storm, for four years - at least. JFC. At least the readthrough of the printout is going well.

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