Sunday, September 24, 2023

From the Foreign Desk: Sir John A MacDonald

Looking back on Covid and the Trucker Convoy

Eighteen months (almost nineteen months) since the Emergencies Act was implemented in Canada, where are we now? I had hoped that we had put all of the lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine mandates behind us, but no such luck. Teresa Tam (Canada’s Fauci) is recommending people wear masks again and Health Canada has sent out a number of press releases stating that people should wear masks because “we know they work”. Except we don’t know any such thing. Most studies have concluded that masks have negligible to no effect on the spread of viruses. But there are a number of frightened people suddenly wearing masks again. Fortunately, very few. Health Canada is “recommending” updated vaccine and booster shots. From what I can tell, very few people are doing any such thing. The same push came last year with warnings that the virus would be back, and the hospitals overwhelmed. Didn’t happen. New variants would rush through the population. Maybe they did, but I don’t think anyone noticed. With a little luck, people will ignore it again this year. I think it’s endemic now and viewed as no different than the seasonal flu. The scare tactics aren’t working.

Which leads us back to the Trucker Convoy. The so-called “leaders” of the convoy, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber are on trial. Not for terrorism. Not for trying to overthrow the government but for “mischief”. Which is usually a catch all term for something the police don’t want you to do. It carries a maximum of twenty years in prison but that is very rarely, if ever, handed out.

And it would appear the trial has already largely gone off the rails. It was originally supposed to end September 21. It has now been put on hold and will resume October 11. Relatively few witnesses have testified. The problem being it appears that the Crown Attorney (think District Attorney) failed to disclose a considerable amount of information to the defence. And is attempting to use Facebook and social media posts to “prove” that the “leaders” of the convoy were…..trying to do something. It’s not really clear what. Possibly undermine the police response? When it is clear that they were cooperating with the police, at least early on. Much has been made of the fact that when Tamara Lich was arrested, she shouted “Hold the line!” Which is being spun as some sort of code for continued resistance.

Why have so few witnesses testified? Four out of a possible 22? Largely because (based on what I have seen of the trial) they have no direct evidence of “mischief” against Tamara Lich or Christ Barber. Which is an additional problem. Just as in the US, the Crown must prove beyond a reasonable doubt and provide all information to the defence. That does not appear to be happening.

None of which should be taken as proof that they will be found not guilty. My bet is on a guilty verdict. The reason is the same as the inquest into the Emergencies Act. To find them not guilty would be to embarrass the Prime Minister and all of the people (media included) who smeared them as racist, fascists and dangerous people trying to overthrow the government. I’m pinning my hopes on dismissal on appeal, but I don’t think that will happen. But that is another post.

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