Sunday, September 24, 2023

New Sunday, Last Sunday

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, begins tonight. Insert Will's description here. Bla bla, kind of like Catholic confession, bla bla but for the whole year....Hmmm, the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War is a few weeks away. We should link to related articles, Israel at War and Israel Strikes

Penn State defeated Iowa 31-0. Take that! Also, the Phillies beat the hapless Mets. Mrs. Stroock is pleased. We know someone from Iowa. We're mocking and taunting in the most adolescent way possible. 

New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez was busted taking bribes. Seriously, the fuzz found gold bars in his house. New Jersey pols, including Governor Phil Murphy, have called on Menendez to resign. Which is fine. We don't care. Good news, though. Menendez's son is a congressmen, so the state will not be without a Menendez. We were concerned. 

The New York Post reports: 'Drivers in New Jersey have been greeted with roadway signs that read, “Suspect Terrorism? See Something, Say Something,” with a tip line number to report threats.' We've seen these signs. Our reply, 'Not on your life'. See something and say something over a misunderstanding and get cancelled and sued. Again, not on your life. The Post continues, 'Officials said the campaign coincides with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’ national “If You See Something, Say Something” Awareness Day, observed on Sept. 25.' Oh, fuck off.

We noted that yesterday's Saturday update would be the last Saturday update. We're changing the way we blog. beginning next week we're taking the weekends off because we're tired of starting off the weekends like we start off the weekdays, with our computer on our lap, and a cup of coffee in our hand as we wunder about what to write. Also, alert reader(s) may have noticed some of our posts have been thin. We don't feel like handicapping politics, the whole goddamn thing makes us sick. But we might do a midweek post with lots of items. We'll post updates on Friday, and good ideas on Monday. Adjust yourselves accordingly, reader(s). 

It seems we're going silent, gradually. We deleted our Twitter account. It was a distraction and brought out the worst in us. We still have a burner for reading things. We're bored with Gab. Those of you who know us on FB, and anyone reading this is welcome to friend us, know we don't say much of anything there. Of course this blog was begun eight years ago when we were still a prof and we thought we'd blog a lot about being a prof. We plan...Man, if only we had a weekly column to write. 

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