Tuesday, September 12, 2023

New York's Latest 9/11 Disaster

We write this from the waiting room of a Toyota dealership, where an old man is cursing loudly and talking to his phone. He's also trying to start a confab with other patrons. Fortunately, we're sitting behind him. The lounge is pleasant, though, and the coffee is decent. Eighties soft rock plays ambiently in the background. The old guy is singing along.

The real Ed dropped by yesterday and left her typically snarky comment. Laugh it up, Scouse. We do enjoy hearing from the Mother Country, and sorry about Meghan Markle. God Save the King. 

The Jets won last night in the least Jets way possible (usually game winning punt returns happen to them) after losing their brand-new superstar QB Aaron Rodgers on their 4th snap of the game (which scores a 5/5 on the Jets scale). The Jets defense beat the Bills, but they can't count on four turnovers per game going forward. Anyone who thinks the Jets believe in Zach Arnold at QB wasn't paying attention. He mostly threw screen and short passes. 

This has happened to the Jets before. In 1999 the Jets lost QB Vinny Testaverde in the first quarter of the first game. Without Vinny, the Jets, from whom big things were expected, went 7-9. Expect something similar this season. We're reminded of the 97-98 Knicks, who lost Patrick Ewing early in the season but still managed to fight their way into the playoffs and even beat hated Miami in the first round. So okay, maybe. But man....

Over at Substack, Matt Taibi writes what we think, 'From 2001 to 2008 the U.S. internationally became the world’s Death Star, constructing the most fearsome military-intelligence state ever seen.' Full disclosure, we were aboard with the PATRIOT Act. We were wrong. That military intelligence complex is turned against Americans, and views us all as potential threats. Even local police forces (often militarized) seem to view every civilian interaction as a potential shootout. Imagine Sgt. Joe Friday saying something like, 'I need to frisk you before I talk to you for my safety.'* As we said yesterday, 9/11 broke America. 

In World War 1990: Norway, the Froy counterattack chapter is a whip around going ABC, ABC. The question is, how much set up do we want beforehand? That way we avoid, 'The Marines brigade left Trondheim? Oh....Okay, I guess.' Set up leads to payoff. 'Uh, comrade Colonel, Americanski tanks approaching in the most angry way possible.' 

We added back a bunch of scenes to The Final Storm, yesterday. The MS is back up to 80,000 words. There aren't many things left to do. [So when?!-Ed] Soon.

*A TV show, yes. But Dragnet was also an example of what the public expected from its police. 

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