Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Do Not Turn Away. Look!

'I am a Jew,' Ben Shapiro says. 'Look!' he exhorts. 'Look!' And we say it too. Look. Watch yesterday's Ben Shapiro episode and look. Do not turn away.  Israeli media is reporting by various sources that Hamas is about to release hostage videos. Behold the evil that is Hamas, that is the Gazan. Look!

The attack of 10/7 was an attack on Israel and all Jews everywhere. It's another pogrom in the long history of the Jews. It was an attack on me and my family. But unlike Israelis, when I was tired of the war, I could close my computer, turn off my phone and go watch some sports to clear my mind before bed. 

Slowly tales of Israeli resistance are coming out. Stories of police engaging terrorists, of Israeli civilians taking up arms and holding off Hamas till the Israeli army arrived. We'll hear of stories of Jewish resistance as the days go by. The Jew was not helpless. Israeli media reports that more than 1500 terrorist bodies have been recovered within Israel. The IDF and Shin Beit have taken many prisoners. The Israelis should display those bodies and prisoners. 

The New York Post reports Hamas supporters have turned out to protest in the western world. We're so glad. We're glad these people exposed themselves. And we're glad for the counter protestors. 'Violent clashes have erupted at pro-Palestinian rallies across the globe in the wake of Saturday’s sneak attack on Israel by radical Islamic terrorists.' Free speech exposes evil. That's one of free speech's uses. And if we see some pro-Hamas person, we won't remain silent. 

We write this after a day of the Israeli Air Force delivering absolute biblical level destruction upon Gaza. Usually the Israelis are very selective about targets, what's worth hitting, what's worth saving for later? It seems to us that the Israeli's are hitting everything they know about. We've learned they've killed several Hamas leaders. The aerial deluge continues this morning. But eliminating Hamas leadership and knocking down buildings isn't enough. 

The Jerusalem Post asks a question we've pondered for a few days, 'Is this Israel’s moment to re-occupy Gaza?' Maybe. We are stunned that we could even write that. But maybe it's time. Recent history shows occupying an Arab city comes with an enormous cost. See Beirut in the 80's and Baghdad in the 2000s. Perhaps the Israelis can conquer Gaza and put the Palestinian Authority in charge. There are no great solutions to the Gaza problem. Only bloody ones. We seek to minimize Israeli blood. We are indifferent to Gazan blood.

Yesterday we wondered how. Today we wonder what. What was Hamas' plan? What if the terror isn't over? What other attacks has Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran planned? What if Hezbollah is planning something similar? And what will Iran do? Lastly what if Hamas is trying to lure the IDF into Gaza?

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