Monday, October 9, 2023

From the Military Desk: Sam Damon

Thoughts on Gaza

The vicious and unprovoked attacks against Israel on Saturday has shattered the illusion of a peaceful Middle East. Indeed, we are likely to see retribution on a scale previously unimagined. Proportionally, this dwarfs 9-11 (imagine ten times the number of deaths we sustained and imagine how the national psyche would have been effected). How Israel strikes back against Hamas, Hezbollah, and ultimately Iran remains to be seen but I’ll toss my two cents into the ring.

The terrorists who comprise Hamas and Hezbollah – along with their Iranian masters – have shown their hand as the genocidal maniacs that they are. Equally relevant is the overwhelming support they receive in the Gaza strip. Much like the residents of crime and drug-filled neighborhoods everywhere, the denizens of Gaza are well aware of the presence and activities of criminals among them and they provide varying levels of support, whether moral, tacit, or material. They also are aware that Israel will strike back – if they fail to remove themselves from the potential strike zones, well, that’s a problem they won’t make again.

Assuming Israel fully intends to remove the terrorists and their support structure, the military campaign should be thorough and ruthless, world opinion be damned. The initial phase should entail special operations forces rapidly assaulting to free the hostages that were taken in the initial assault. After 48-72 hours, it should be expected that any hostages not rescued are likely dead or soon to be dead and the operation to destroy the enemy should begin in earnest. The liberal use of artillery to pulverize enemy positions should be followed by a combined infantry-armor assault to fix and destroy remaining enemy forces in sector. Any enemy fleeing would be subject to incessant air strikes. Once a sector has been cleared, combat engineers (with the famous D-9 bulldozers) would then level the entire area and sanitize the underground tunnel system. Rinse and repeat until Gaza is just a giant parking lot. The casualty rate among the populace of Gaza is NOT a planning consideration – they should suffer the consequences of supporting genocidal maniacs. If you’re there, you’re a combatant.

A war of extermination against the Jewish State and Jewish People is the end state desired by Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. Israel’s right to exist is without question and they should take any and all steps necessary to ensure their survival without question or hesitation. The fate of Carthage is the example to emulate.

Although I am not a Jew, I will always stand with Israel and her People.

Here am I, send me.

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