Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Israel In, USA Out

We took youngest daughter to Hebrew school yesterday and saw the door was unlocked and slightly ajar. Though unlikely we thought, it's possible...We attended a special service at our synagogue last night. Yes, we looked around before going in. Another synagogue is holding an Israel rally tomorrow night. We'll be going alone. Just in case. That is the world in which we live. 

Which leads us to our questions for today. When will the attacks on Jewish targets around the world begin? And when will the world turn against the Jews?

We ask that second question because we are surprised to see that the many anti-Jewish protests springing up across the west are being condemned by media and government officials. The Democratic Socialists of America have apologized for their little pogrom in New York City the other day. AOC has condemned her DSA pals too. Jake Tapper on CNN talked about the left's 'Jewish Problem'. This Jew hating fatty lost a job at a prestigious law firm. Go flip some burgers, DC.

(We're in complete agreement with the words of our rabbi, no man of the right, who quoted his late father, 'If there is no solution you don't have a problem.' Meaning, (we say) there's only one thing to do about Gaza and the Gazans. We read this morning that Israel and Egypt are negotiating to open up a humanitarian corridor for Gazan refugees. Good. Make Gaza unlivable. Send them out. Let the Gazan wander Sinai. Be Egypt's problem.

Was this Hamas' plan? 'The IDF on Wednesday announced that intelligence collected from the battle with Hamas on the Gaza corridor proves that the terror group's plan was to conquer the area and hold it for an indefinite period.' If true Hamas is truly insane. Israel's response surprised Hamas, the Jerusalem Post reports. What did they think would happen? Here's a wonderful story about a 25 year old woman leading a Kibbutz militia against the terrorists. Read it! More stories like this are trickling out. 

What is an American carrier task force doing in the Eastern Med? For the record, and because we've seen this come up, Stroock's Books does not want, does not call for, and opposes American entry into this war. This is Israel's war, let Israel fight it. Also for the record, the Biden Admin has been great on this. Confirmed now 22 dead Americans.  

Okay, okay, we managed to get some work done yesterday and lay the groundwork for getting more work done today. We're writing the concluding chapter of World War 1990: Norway. Which does not mean we're almost finished. It just means we're writing the concluding chapter. We've also outlined Norway. We've written a dozen semi self-contained chapters. The Battle of Banak. The Battle of Lyngen Fjord. The Battle of Tromso. The Battle of Tromso Fjord. The Battle of Bardufoss, etc etc. We're well set up to add chapters as/if needed. Update: damn cat knocked my seltzer over onto my Norway notes.

There's really nothing more we can do to The Final Storm. It's time. 

1 comment:

  1. That's why you should have a dog plus we will always welcome fellow people of the book here in the South it might be time to come home to your southern roots
