Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Listen to Lindsey?

The vibe from Joe feels better this morning, no? Different, better. 

Speaking of vibes, Lindsey Graham went to Israel. Lindsey's vibe is very post 9/11. We urge reader(s) to watch the first few minutes of this clip.  It's almost as if Lindsey wants Iran to jump into the war. He even mentions John McCain (who knows what the late senator thinks of all this, from down there). Lindsey, the Jewish people are grateful for your support, but could you turn the bellicosity down a bit? And Lindsey, you're not the president. You don't get to threaten Iran. Only Barrack Obama can do that. 

The Israelis continue to prep the battlespace, as they say. Israel Radar has a good article on the Hamas tunnel network, challenges, and Israeli plans.  Last night IDF forces entered Jenin in Judea/Samaria where they engaged and arrested Islamic Jihad personnel. The IAF struck several targets in Syria and has re-bombed the Aleppo airport. The United States is prepping its own forces in the Middle East for further attacks by Iranian proxies, deploying THAAD missile batteries and cargo aircraft to various bases, etc etc.

A lengthy analysis by The Times of Israel of Netanyahu's political troubles, a government not responding to the needs of its citizens, and not trusted by those citizens. 'From coffeeshops to the front lines, many Israelis say they are unified on two things: they are convinced of the need to uproot Hamas, and they do not trust their own government to oversee the process.' When Gaza is a smoldering ruin, Bibi should resign. Exit question, what if this war was being run by former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett?

The campaign against Hamas supporters in the United States continues. 'Donors are withdrawing millions of dollars in planned funding to punish US universities for their responses to Hamas’s attack on Israel,' reports The Financial Times. The New York Post reports, 'The Cornell professor who called the Hamas terror attack on Israel “exhilarating” and “energizing” is now on a leave of absence until at least the end of the semester.' We know of other actions taken against Hamas supporters in our locality (not by us). That's all we can divulge. This blog remains vigilant but unsure. What can we do? We don't know

The problem with the Tromso aerial counterattack chapter is bigger than we thought. We must needs provide much articulation and clarification. Nevertheless we are working through and fixing said problem. Readers know we like scenes were officers are sitting around the CiC listening to combat radio chatter. These scenes aren't working for us, though. We may add another scene or two. These issues won't be fixed till we've worked on them and then walked away for a few weeks before taking another look. Only then will we know if we fixed the problem. 

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