Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Blue and White in Washington

Nearly 300,000 people gathered on the National Mall in Washington yesterday to support Israel, says The Times of Israel. Israeli President Isaac Herzog (a ceremonial position, technically above the office of PM) addressed the crowd. Herzog has been a powerful advocate for Israel during this crisis. He should chair the post-war commission of inquiry on what went wrong on 10/7. Anyway, behold the sea of blue. And as other's have pointed out, no masks, no genocidal chants, no vandalism. 

Our local JCC hired a bus with a hundred seats. We couldn't go, not with Mrs. Stroock away and a dance-taxi service to operate. We wouldn't have gone anyway. Our efforts have been local. We've attended a few rallies, worn our Israeli gear about town. We've been attending Shabot services. But it seems so pointless. What can we do, we ask ourselves daily. 'Why do you feel you need to do anything?' Mrs. Stroock replies. 

A Jewish friend (ex-Soviet) commented that even with the rally in Washington, the world still hates us. 'Yeah,' we replied, 'But now the Jews have nuclear weapons. So....'

Last evening, when leaving Hebrew school, we said to Youngest Daughter, 'I walk out first.' She asked, 'Why?' We replied, 'Just in case.'

As we speculated, the war in northern Gaza is fading. Last night the Israelis went into the infamous al Shifa Hospital, which protects Hamas HQ. Stroock's Books believes the Israelis will agree to a temporary suspension of hostilities when ready, preparatory to redeploying to the South. Here's a brief article on issues facing the IDF in the south.

Thes destruction wrought by the IDF is biblical, as is deserved. The IDF has demolished Hamas' parliament, reports The Jerusalem Post. Follow through by leveling every Hamas building, every school. Also do more of this.

The war against Hamas in America continues. 

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