Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Jeremy Corbyn Hates the Jews...

...or 'al Yahud' as he might say.

Last night Piers Morgan interviewed former Labour Leader and vile Jew hater Jeremy Corbyn, who repeatedly refused to call Hamas a terror group and condemn them. You know, right now, Israelis living in Judea and Samaria are attacking West Bank People. Doing so is wrong, and Stroock's Books condemns these actions totally. It's not hard to do, Corbyn, you Nazi-symp. By the way, catch Douglas Murray's post interview reaction. For that matter, catch as much Douglas Murray as you can. Murray is all over you tube, and he is righteous. 

Our own sense is that the war in northern Gaza is going exceedingly well. Yesterday Israel captured a slew of Hamas government offices, and the Golani brigade took photos of its troops sitting in the Hamas parliament. Consider what we know. Now consider what we don't know. This morning Stroock's Books believes the war in the north will not climax but gradually fade. Will this stage of the war end with a short ceasefire allowing Israel to redeploy to the south?

The war against Hamas in America continues. 

We've little to say on FB and General Nagid has been quiet. Not sure why. 

Don Surber asks what the GOP has ever done for us conservatives. Good question. We say that as a 50-year-old former 90s era College Republican who espoused the virtues of small government and reform ala Newt Gingrich. Surber argues Trump is more electable. Marks Steyn has said for a while that the election was and is rigged so you might as well go with Trump 'cause we ain't gonna win anyway. 

As for arguments that nominating Trump will hurt down ballot races, Surber says, 'But I am supposed to worry about the Republican ticket down ballot because we must stop Democrats but for decades now, it has been vote Republican, get nothing.' Agreed. GOP dalenda est. Case in point, as seen on Twitter: 'The GOP will block impeachment of the man facilitating the invasion at our southern border and then blame pro-lifers when the base doesn’t show up to vote.'

For the record this blog still believes Ron Desantis is the best candidate. This blog also believes Trump's chances in the general are a bit better than they were earlier this year. We're on the fence. To put is another way, we don't know. But stop pretending normal political rules apply, because this ain't normal politics. 

Yesterday we took a look at the in-progress War Night short story about two young White House staffers and felt nothing, nada, zip. Uh oh. 

We are on page 50/169 of the World War 1990: The Final Storm MS. One cannot say this enough. This is why one must needs read the final MS. We're finding lots of little things to fix. This is also why one must needs have people, advisors, grognards. These people know who they are. 

Writing the World War 1990: Norway Home Guard scenes is going just fine. 

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