Sunday, November 26, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 11/26/23

With Monday Metal reborn, and boy is it ever going to be reborn on Monday, those of you who know us on FB know what we mean, we're moving Will's Good Idea for the Week back to Sunday. 

There's just nothing like autumn Sundays in the northeast. Clear, cool morning air. Crisp, pleasant afternoons. Just brilliant walking weather. The morning anticipation of a day of NFL games. This has always been a high energy time of the year for us. 

We'll be submitting the World War 1990: The Final Storm MS tonight.  Once formatted we read the hard copy, make changes, and voila. 

We severely truncated the planned Hans Delbruck inspired excursus and turned it into an acknowledgement at the end of the book. of our sources is in prison now for, well, it's best left unsaid. Should we include him? 

Tomorrow morning we are not going to wake up having to think about The Final Storm and we are delighted. 

It's the end of November, and we're still playing with Good Ideas. 

World War 1990: Norway will be finished by 31 December and probably ready for editing by 31 January. 

We're just not feeling War Night much. Maybe that's a project we work on one story at a time over the next few years. Maybe we're thinking about the entire concept wrong and should write Aftermath: Stories of the Great Nuclear War of 1975. These would be stories taking place after Haig's inauguration. Remarks?

All systems are go if we want to start researching, or re-researching World War 1990: Thatcher's War. We read several books on 'The Troubles' a few years ago. One forward, The Final Storm, one back Norway, one forward Thatcher's War. One (at least) WW1990 book every year. Two in 2024. 

Irish Prime Minister* Leo Varadkar says the Hamas hostage Emily Hand was 'lost' and 'found'. No, Leo. Emily Hand was kidnapped by a murderous terrorist group you support. We can't wait to write World War 1990: Thatcher's War. We can't wait to bomb the fuck out of Ireland.

We're not thinking about the Red Dawn Thingy. Maybe that's the summer sneak in?

[Do you actually have a good idea for the week of 11/26/23?-Ed]

No, not really. 

By our count The Final Storm will be our 20th novel since 2009. Not bad. We're in the top 15, maybe top 10 percent of English language authors on the planet. We've crossed the Atlantic in three ships. Getting to the next level is like going to the moon. The level after that is Alpha Centauri. Right now we're just bobbing in the waves, scanning the shoreline and thinking, 'This doesn't look like India.'

*We're not bothering with the Gaelic term, fuck them.

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