Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday Updates

A fine Thanksgiving yesterday at our sister's house followed by the ritual Stroock drive home in late afternoon/early evening while listening to a football game on the radio. Below, the George Washington Bridge from Manhattan's West Side Highway. That's the Hudson River and Fort Lee, New Jersey:

Ceasefire in Gaza. We await events. 

When we heard the Irish were rioting, we assumed the Boston Celtics had lost a close game or something. But no, riots in Dublin yesterday over the stabbing of several children in the city centre. Yes, we suspect but we don't know. We'll reserve judgement on the stabber's motivation and origin until the facts come out. Who knows, the suspect's name could be Stabby O'Stabber. 

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders' PVV has won 37 seats in the parliamentary elections and will form a government. Beware of establishment subterfuge. Still, Remarkable. Argentina and now the Netherlands? Who's next? Careful about drawing conclusions about a mass anti-globalist movement. Brazil's lefty Lula won last year, and the British public will toss out the Tories at the first opportunity, rightfully so. Of course the Tories aren't really conservative....

A short and relatively unproductive week. 

We finished reading World War 1990: The Final Storm and will send it in Monday for formatting. We've yet to finish the excursus. We're not quite saying what we want to say. We may dump it. 

We wrote several Norwegian Home Guard scenes for World War 1990: Norway. We have to finish their redemptive attack on Soviet occupied Banak. 

We're afraid we're not feeling a lot of juju for War Night. Maybe this is a project we write one short story at a time as the ideas come to us. We don't know.

We're off to see Wolfmother tonight:

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