Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas 23

Good Christmas Morn to Stroock's Books readers across the globe. We've nothing to do for several hours so we'll blog as usual. We had a hunch that what we were thinking of writing this Christmas morning we may have written last Christmas morning. And so we did.

We write from the house in which we grew up just south of Peekskill, New York in the Hudson River Valley, a few hundred yards from the banks of the mighty Hudson River. Spares trees lie dormant atop barren hills. Every year we remember just how gloomy this region can be in wintertime. The ghosts and the rocks in the sea of time are all around us. 

Which helps explain our mood. 

Twas a time when we used to think about presents on Christmas.* Later travel plans, later still getting the girls together with their cousins and grandparents, and great grandfather. Yearly we'd dine at the famous Algonquin in Manhattan. We won't link. New management has ruined the place. We're glad our grandfather and his second wife aren't here to see the gutted husk of the once fine hotel they loved. Bastards. Click here instead. That's me holding the camera.** We were the best writer to sit at the famed Round Table in decades. 

Now on Christmas we mostly think of dead people. We may or may not hit the cemetery today. Past Christmas's the cemetery has been closed. What the hell? Our father once broke into the place on Christmas morning. This is Westchester County, NY. You can't find a Jew to man the gate on Christmas? Probably better to stay away anyway. Baaaaah [we swipe the air and swill our grog].

On to nicer things.

The IDF lost 14 dead over the weekend [You said nicer things-Ed]. This is a sure sign that the Israelis are doing severe damage to Hamas. There is no victory without casualties. There's talk of a 14- day ceasefire, though Hamas and Islamic Jihad have rejected it. Good. Bibi et al, you have done everything you can to bring about ceasefires and whatnot. Wanna end the war? Win the war. 

It seems Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Red Sea fell apart before it could begin, with several European nations declining to participate. How did Joe screw up the planning so badly that the French said, 'Non'? Supposition, Sec Def Loyd Austin talked about defensive measures only. But that's speculation. Securing the sea lanes is literally why the US Navy exists. Literally. The French and the British know what to do with pirates. 

Lol Jets blowing a three-touchdown lead and having to win the game on a last second 54 yard field goal against the lowly Washington Foreskins. They ain't called gangrene for nuhtin', folks. Thirteen years since the Jets made the playoffs, you say? Don't ever change, Jets. Thank you, Miami Dolphins for beating the Dallas Cowboys. Let's see if the Eagles can take care of business against our Giants this evening. They should. New Jersey's own Tommy Devito ain't that good. It's been a decade since the Giants won in Philly. Heck, they haven't won much anywhere in a decade. About the only thing we can say about the Patriots-Broncos games is the cheerleaders looked adorable in their Christmas outfits.  

World War 1990: The Final Storm is moving. Momentum is building. Right now, TFS is something like 200 in the Amazon alternate history category. This is a good start. Actually, our impression is that TFS is moving faster than other books at this stage in their publication. [Why don't you know that for sure? -Ed] good question. We'll do some research and report back. [Yes, because everyone loves the minutiae of your book sales-Ed]. Hey, people read this blog for a variety of reasons, especially the jokes. 

*Once again, yes, we celebrated Christmas, alright? Tree, presents, the whole bag. Half our Hindu neighbors do the same. We have ex-Soviet neighbors who are Jewish who have a tree and exchange presents and bring in Grandfather Frost and call it commie New Year

**Yes, our nephew looks like Eli Manning. 

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