Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The First Post Christmas Post

Happy Boxing Day to all our reader(s) in Britain and the Commonwealth. Till the death of our mother in 2018 it was a 21st century Stroock family tradition to gather at our parent's house and exchange gifts. [That house really does make you morose-Ed] It does, it does. 

Today is the first day of 'Kwanzaa'. Not a thing. To quote our late grandfather, 'Those bastards stole the menorah.' More seriously, it's actually offensive that people try to slip in 'Kwanzaa' with actual, real holidays like Chanukah and Christmas. Faker than the fakest, boardroom product, Hallmark holiday. 

We have always enjoyed the period between Christmas and New Years. For the first 30 years of our life that usually meant Western Kentucky, family, driving up Route 431 from Livermore to the shopping mall in Owensboro on the rolling Ohio River, the television oddity of prime time beginning at 7 PM, having to sneak past the kitchen lest our aunt offer us something to eat, and seeing cousins with whim we'd blend perfectly given our blond hair and blue eyes. 

A fine afternoon yesterday at our sister's with herself and some of her husband's very Irish Catholic family whose company we've always enjoyed. We once closed down a bar together. Fun night. Anyway, she made ham. A bit dry, but still delicious. We don't get ham much, obviously. 

Driving across the George Washington Bridge yesterday we passed a charter bus from Texas. Heh. We also saw an SUV with Arabic writing and 'Palestinian' flag. Ramming speed, we commanded. Actually we were just grateful that the ghoulish, pro-Hamas Jew hating protestors that have been haunting NYC didn't try to shut down the GWB. 

A long thread about the future of Israel, echoing some of our own thoughts. As we have said, the golden age of modern Israel, begun roughly in 2002 with Operation Defensive shield, is over. The modern high tech 'start up nation' is transforming. A new, more militaristic and militant Israel shall emerge. Time for Naftali Bennet and the center parties? 

An odd Eagles-Giants contest yesterday, made close by three freak plays: a Giants pic-6, an Eagles kickoff fumble, and a Giants long touchdown late in the game. At halftime the Eagles were winning 20-3. They hung on to win 33-25, and never really dominated the Giants as they would have earlier in the season. The Eagles' problems are still problems. But a W is a W and the Eagles lead the division once more.  The Giant's Tommy Devito era is over. 

We intend to finish the World War 1990: Norway read through this week. Intend. Today we're reading the battle of Lyngen Fjord chapter. This is mostly about naval gunnery. We've made up Soviet procedure aboard Murmansk, as we did with the Yedrovo missile silo in TFS. This is mostly a back-and-forth naval scene. Soviets... Norwegians... Soviets...Norwegians...EXPLOSION!

World War 1990: The Final Storm sales continue to build momentum.  In a week or ten days sales should pop and rankings should skyrocket. Should. A fellow North American points that not one tank exploded in TFS. Huh. 

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