Friday, December 8, 2023

Friday Updates

Last Night we attended an art exhibit curated by our neighbor and friend Shourabh Mukherji, at the Center for Contemporary Art. The exhibit was called Kendra: a Celebration of Indo-American Arts, and featured several works by Indian-American artists. Readers(s) should click through to see examples of their work. Those of you who know us on FB can see a few pics and vids. We enjoyed the exhibit and were invited to give a brief talk ourselves. We killed it and totally could have gotten a few numbers had we wanted.

Also last night, the Stroock family lit the menorah, celebrating the first night of Chanukah (Hanukah? Your spellings may very). Jews all over the world did the same. Some Jews lit the menorah in Gaza, while Hamas cowered in tunnels beneath the men and women of the IDF, the modern-day Maccabees. There is great symbolism in that. The Jerusalem Post has pics and video of surrendering terrorists. Hamas chose war.

We got a haircut yesterday preparatory to the art exhibit. Usually we get the sides buzzed and the top trimmed. But English is the second language of the pleasant enough hairdresser [Hairdresser? Did you just come out?-Ed], and we smacked into a language barrier.  She ended up buzzing our whole head of (thinning on the top) hair before we could clarify that 'all the way around' meant the sides only. Oh well. 

So a bunch of content creator types at The Washington Post went on a 24 hour strike yesterday. They demand respect, a 'living wage', annual cost of living increases, etc etc. By the way, a 'living wage' to these people means $175-$200 K. Go ahead and laugh along with us. One young employee said she should be paid what she is worth. Let us tell you something, honey, writer to writer. You are worth what the WaPo, or any other employer is willing to pay you. That's it. That's all.

Bill Whittle and company make an interesting point about Hamas, our enemies and war. The enemies of civilization always underestimate the great democracies. They never understand that civilized people are capable of appalling mass brutality if driven to it. Thebes destroyed Sparta. The Royal Navy hung slave ship captains on sight. The Union destroyed the Confederacy. The English speaking peoples unleashed fleets of firebomb carrying aircraft upon Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. And now Israel in Gaza...To put it another way, more direct, fuck around and find out. 

By the many arms of Vishnu, the many faced god, and the Lords of Kobol, Tucker Carlson is interviewing Alex Jones. We're going to watch just to see if the Feds barge in during the middle of the broadcast. Holy Alex Jones. 

The things.

Another slow, plodding week. 

We made progress on War Night. It's just about time to put the Alberta Plain story aside. We'll spend the weekend thinking about another story. 

We made a little progress on World War 1990: Norway.

We read through Part I of World War 1990: The Final Storm. The proofer will be finished today. We will make more progress this weekend.

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