Sunday, December 10, 2023

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 12/10/23

We've caught a minor but annoying cold. We still managed our gym time Friday afternoon, doing five machines. Yesterday we raked the leaves and then went on a 4.5 mile walk. Getting outdoors seems to be the best thing for this cold. 

We took the girls out to dinner last night. The atmosphere was fine. The food was good. The service excellent, what a nice, affable young man waiting on us. But the bill was a staggering $143. Thanks, Joe. 

Related: we ate red meat three times last week. No gout. As we've come to suspect, gout is more about staying hydrated then whatever we eat. [What an odd way to form a sentence-Ed] Meh, it's different. We'll keep it. 

Mrs. Stroock's Eagles play the Cowboys in Dallas tonight. All signs point to a convincing Cowboys victory. But...that's why they play the games. Our own Giants play the Packers of Green Bay tomorrow. We predict QB phenom and Jersey boy Danny DeVito will go something like 7-19 with two interceptions and Tyrod Taylor to start next week. 

We are reading the proof of World War 1990: The Final Storm and have received same from the proofer. All will be done this week. That's our good idea. 

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