Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday Israel, Sports, and Heavy Metal Updates

As we predicted the San Francisco 49rs blew the doors off the Philadelphia Eagles. We expect the Dallas Cowboys to do the same to the Eagles next week. 

The leader of this blog's Confederate Contingent asks if the Stroock family will be traveling to Georgia to see Mrs. Stroock's Penn State play his Ole Miss in the Peach Bowl. Sadly, no. 

Israel Radar reports the IDF is attacking Khan Younis in south Gaza while the 36th and 162nd Armored Divisions hit Jabalia & Shujaiya, in the north. The tempo of IDF operations is picking up, no? Israeli forces blew up Hamas' supreme court building. Good. Destroy every government building. Burn every school. Make a bonfire of Hamas' teaching materials. 

Former and failed Prime Ministers Ehud Barak (the man who tried to give Jerusalem to Yassir Arafat*) and Ehud Olmert (the man who failed to destroy Hezbollah in 2006 and tried to give Jerusalem to Mahmud Abbas) have called for 'all for all' prisoner/hostage swaps and a so called two state solution with the Gazans and West Bank people. Olmert also wants a NATO force in Gaza after the war. To put that idea another way, the Jews are to rely on the French, the Spanish and, oh yes, the Germans. [Isn't that a bit of a cheap shot at Jerry?-Ed] Why yes, yes, it is. These men are fools. They're out Shimon Peresing Shimon Peres. 

Meanwhile, ZeroHedge quotes a good Israeli Prime Minister, 'During his weekend remarks, Netanyahu also again warned Hezbollah that its further involvement in the war would bring about the destruction of all of Lebanon.' Quite write. 'Hezbollah, Bibi' we say in our Omar Sharif voice. The New York Post runs an op-ed with which we agree, calling for US military action against Iran. To clarify, as Iran is harassing American and other ships in the Persian Gulf, the US Navy should introduce the Iranian navy to the bottom of that same gulf. 

Iranian proxies attack Israeli and western shipping in the Red Sea. Iran's Revolutionary Guard is active and ensconced in Syria. Hezbollah continues harassing Israel's northern border. The Israelis retaliate in Lebanon and strike IRGC targets in the Levant. This is going to be a long war. Israel Strikes, War of the Red Sea, is almost a decade old, but prescient, no? 

Today we will be working on the Alberta plain story in War Night

We are reading the actual physical copy of World War 1990: The Final Storm. So far so meh.

Monday Metal: Today we return to Fever Dog, the band we saw open for Wolfmother two weeks ago. Our selection is Solid Ground. This is a well-executed far out and groovy 70s stoner song.We want reader(s) to pay close attention to Solid Ground's refrain, especially how the rhythm guitar sets the stage for the lead guitar, bam...bam...bam-bam. And check out that lead guitar riff, boom-da-da-da, boom-da-da-da. Combined with bass and drums the overall effect is a stunning cacophony. 

*Homosexual, died of AIDs.

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