Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Will Attends an Event

So yesterday we attended a talk by MEP Christine Anderson...right around the corner from our house at Gateway Church. Seriously, we could have walked there if we really wanted to. We drive past Gateway Church several times a week. Upon arriving we saw a small sign at the front door, 'Masks not allowed' it read. Hallelujah and amen to that, brother. It felt odd entering a house of worship and not donning a Kipa. 

We were mostly interested meting people. The church members we encountered were warm and friendly. It turns out our friend who is on the local schoolboard, and for whom we passed out flyers last year, attended the event. We caught up and she introduced us to some of the people she knew in local conservative politics. Usually we're the weirdo in any room [Usually?-Ed], and we find it off putting to meet likeminded people. We also met a lovely woman who is moving to New Jersey from the Netherlands. She and her family had been in New Jersey for a week. So far she had managed to avoid New Jersey's deadly traffic circles and luckily, the Dutch drive on the same side of the road as us. 

MEP Anderson could best be described as an anti-EU, anti-globalist activist, a German version of Nigel Farage. Here she is wishing the British people a Merry Brexit. Last night Anderson spoke out against the EU, the Lockdown Industrial Complex and the globalists. She spoke movingly of her own father's experiences as a political prisoner in East Germany. Anderson said the Lockdown regime reminded her of the early days of Nazi Germany. We met her afterwords and exchanged a few nice words. Anderson was friendly and gracious. We told her we liked that 80 years after the war, German and Jew stand together. 

Holocaust survivor and fellow anti-globalist activist Vera Sharav also talked, via zoom, hitting on the same points as Anderson.

The event was run by Trinity Productions, a company based out of Ottawa, Canada. We made idle chitchat with one of the producers, Bethan Nodwell a nurse and Canadian trucker activist. Our dumb Canadian jokes didn't land at all. 'You're in Devils country,' we said. 'I know, we're here to fight Satan,' she replied. 'No, I meant the New Jersey Devils,' I explained. 'Wanna go curling?' [You knobhead-Ed.] You're Canadian, you must love hockey!  [I'm surprised you didn't tell MEP Anderson your bad WWII jokes -Ed]. So am I.  Incidentally, we don't think Nodwell likes Pierre Poilievre one bit. 

So we had a gout attack last night, our second in a week. We're not stunned. We did a four and a half mile walk yesterday and stood around a lot last night. We've vanquished the gout at the time of this writing, leaving only residual soreness. But it looks like we might have gotten gout in the knuckle of our left pointer finger. This is a most worrying development. 

Moving on to Jew stuff, Hot Air talks about the American Kristallnacht in Philadelphia over the weekend. Here's another Hot Air story about Hanukkah being canceled in America. Bridgewater is holding a menorah lighting ceremony next Monday, we will be attending. And NRO runs a piece about being Jewish in America after last weekend's Kristallnacht. We've sent a few tweets to relevant authorities asking if their cities are safe for Jews. Does that even matter? We are sorely tempted to go for our long walks carrying an Israeli flag. 

The Times of Israel reports, 'Israel has readied plans to flood Hamas’s system of tunnels under the Gaza Strip with water pumped from the Mediterranean Sea, the Wall Street Journal reports.' The story goes on to say that the Biden Regime has expressed concern for Gazan soil and their water table. Stroock's Books doesn't care and endorses the plan 100 percent. Go biblical on Hamas and Gaza. 

Israel Radar tells us, 'IDF presents operational plans for conflict vs. Hezbollah to defense minister; army has started to launch deeper strikes on arms depots & command centers in Lebanon, after initially demolishing Hezbollah assets near border.' Puts on Omar Shariff voice, Hezbollah, Bibi. In Gaza, Israeli troops are in Khan Younis, bringing biblical level destruction to the Hamas stronghold. Israeli sources we follow think this is a very big deal. 

1 comment:

  1. F water fill them with gasoline and light it really introduced these a holes to hell
