Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday, Will's Awake

It's 5 AM, why are we awake?

Our special report from the ground in Iowa is coming later this morning. Preview: Will is going to be very disappointed. 

The Eagles are a disgrace and so's the NFL for making us subscribe to Peacock to watch a playoff game. Nope. 

Okay, we got to the gym Friday and then yesterday and followed that session up with a long walk. Why not? Our renewed weightlifting program continues apace. The left shoulder is sore this morning. We shall work through it. 

The war on Hamas in America continues. Notes the New York Post: 'Yonkers canned a high school girls basketball coach and booted a player off the team after an ugly antisemitic incident at a recent game against a Jewish high school, city officials said Sunday.' Further reading of the story and examination of photographic evidence reveals, uh, certain shared demographic characteristics, which should surprise no one. Lock those little shrews in a room for a couple of hours and make them watch footage of Auschwitz. 

Bill Ackman has declared war on MIT: 'Last night, no one at @MIT had a good night’s sleep. Yesterday evening, shortly after I posted that we were launching a plagiarism review of all current MIT faculty, President Kornbluth, members of MIT’s administration, and its board, I am sure that an audible collective gasp could be heard around the campus.' MIT has retaliated, via Business Insider, with accusations of plagiarism against Ackman's wife, Neri Oxman*. 

Yeah, so they went after the man's wife. Stroock's Books lives by two rules; never deal with a Sicilian when death is on the line, and never make a billionaire angry. We think MIT is a target rich environment. Just how much plagiarism will Ackman find at MIT and in the rest of the academic world? We shall find out. Reminder: the war started because disgraced former Harvard president Claudine Gay hate Jews. 

Hmmm....our nemesis at Raritan Vally Community College, who once wrote to us, 'We will make future assignments on a semester-by-semester basis reflecting your progress toward effective teaching of World History,' and who later sandbagged us, has published a history book. Don't worry, it's about an obscure subject matter and isn't selling. Does REDACTED know the ancient Klingon proverb, 'Revenge is a dish best served cold?' Exit question: was literary revenge not enough?**

Monday not Metal:

Keep on rolling, man. This song actually makes us think of World War 1990: Battle of the GIUK Gap. One of the plot lines will be truck convoys in France. Keep 'em rolling, maybe even transform and rollout. How does one say that in French? This is going to be another one of those novels that's surprisingly nice to the French. Expect to see a lot of civilians lining the roads, handing out food, civilian mechanics helping with maintenance, etc etc. 

We dunno, sometimes we think we should just keep plowing through the World War 1990 novels. We could totally begin Thatcher's War in February if we wanted to. Norway will be a good test of our audience expansion theory. Will Norwegian readers purchase, and if so, will those results be replicated in Italy when we write Esercito Italiano

*We can't be the only one who thinks she's a total babe, right? 

**We exercised literary revenge. We exercised it with extreme prejudice. And we will do so again. 

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