Wednesday, January 17, 2024

So, a Probe Came Down Near Here...

It's like we're at Echo Station 3-T-8 here. A day battling ice and sleet in a heroic effort to keep drive and walkway clear. Our grill was covered in ice and snow. We thought, 'Why not turn on the gas and light her up?' And so we did, and then promptly singed our left thumb. It was worth it. A friend in Mississippi complained of sub-freezing temperatures and a few inches of snow. 'Ya'll are acting like Sherman's March is coming to town,' we told him. The weather babe expects more snow this Friday. What's that distant stomping sound?

We had dance-taxi duty last night. We took the mobile command unit, Mrs. Stroock's new Honda Odyssey, Mom's Car. During the drive and wait times in the parking lot we futzed around with the car's various functions. This vehicle treats us like we're an idiot, [And?-Ed]. The modern car is over featured. There's too much stuff for which we have no use. Could just be we're getting old. 

Primaries past...we remember when Pat Buchanan won 37% of the vote in New Hampshire in 1992, when Pat won Iowa in 1996 and scared the hell out of the GOP, when John McCain won New Hampshire in 2000 and rocked W's campaign, when Hillary shocked the press by winning New Hampshire in 2008, when Joe came out of nowhere to win South Carolina in 2020.

Okay, my fellow MAGA hats. We presented you with a great candidate, military background, great anti-DEI cred, totally hot wife, who's turned Florida into a GOP stronghold. You chose the 78-year-old loud mouthed Boomer. So you explain it to us. How does Trump win? How does Trump get more than 46% of the vote? How does the country benefit from a goddamn Boomer fight? And finally, how does Trump Stop the Steal? You figure it out. It's all on you. 

Israel Radar says, 'If Hamas believed (or was led to believe) that entire Iran axis will join a war, scenario below makes sense. Hamas kept the date secret to prevent leaks, assuming Iran & Hezbollah will join soon. But they didn't. Right now it looks like an epic Hamas miscalculation.' This makes sense, because nothing else about the 10/7 attack does. Perhaps Hamas thought a bloodbath would unleash some sort of messianic war. Muslims are prone to such fantasies. Even now Hamas may be thinking that the destruction of Gaza will lead to the end of Israel. Remember, Arabs are dumb. 

We've written before that the World War 1990: Norway epilogue scenes are a bit short. Maybe we should keep them that way. Afterall we like a little differentiation between novels, and this is certainly that. Huh, we are actually hung up on how one would conduct an attack on the Soviet fleet, though. Just fire off a bunch of HARMs and follow it with barrages of Harpoons, no? We're over thinking, [Now that's impossible-Ed]. We need to underthink [Not an issue for you-Ed].

World War 1990: The Final Storm now has 40 ratings, a 4.4 star average with 87% of those ratings being 4 stars or greater. World War 1990: The Final Storm is a good book that readers enjoy. 

We admit to being a bit bored. We also admit to inquiring what REDACTED pays for 5000-word magazine features. We admit to being disappointed that the number is the same it was in 2008. We admit to possibly not caring. Some mornings we think we should have taken that vacuum cleaner salesmen job we were offered in 1998. 

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