Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Greens and Blues

Eleven hundred bucks later we have our car back. After buying a minivan, touring colleges, paying taxes, gutting the bathroom, we sure feel like we be making it rain. But we take solace. You know, if you leave money in the bank, it just earns interest. Who wants that?

We did a six mile walk yesterday after an hour + of cardio on Sunday. We feel fab. Related...an interesting article from PJ Media about the 'Ozempic face' phenomenon, whereby the drug causes patients to lose a lot of fat off the face. We sympathize. Our face has thinned out a lot over the last few years. But we're not losing nearly as much around the waist as we'd like. It's frustrating. But we'd never touch Ozempic. 

Amid dozens of air strikes, the Israelis finally attacked Rafah and have seized the border crossing and part of the old Philadelphi Corridor. The 'Palestinian' flag has been lowered at the Rafah crossing. The Israeli flag has been raised. There's been lots of diplomatic rigamarole (and this incursion is part of that) with Hamas playing games and offering to release 33 hostages 'dead or alive'. It seems obvious that Hamas does not hold 33 living hostages. With holds placed on weapons shipments, the Biden Regime is maximizing pressure on Israel. 

In a review of John Ford's The Long Voyage Home, Rick McGinnis writes: 'And Ford, like so many Irish-Americans, could be more Irish than the Irish. This is a phenomenon you still see in cities like Boston and New York, and it tends to an embrace of stereotypes and romanticized images of the old country that the Irish themselves find trying.' We've been to Ireland twice. It ain't The Quiet Man. One runs into McGinnis' problem with Jews. Oy look at how many neuroses I have...I need a bagel and schmeer...look at how Jewish I am! McGinnis refers to 'Movie Irish'. Woody Allen and his ilk are 'movie Jewish'.

Back to the Ole Miss theme...They say seven-time Super Bowl champion Tom Bray was roasted Sunday night. Eli Manning didn't attend because he already roasted Brady twice. We stole that bit, but we're not sure from whom we stole it. Everyone? Eli Manning? Reminder, Peyton Manning is Eli Manning's less successful older brother.  We've never had anything against Tom Brady. He's a great man, who knocked up not one, but two models. 

We're reading through the edited World War 1990: Norway MS. The Grognard is going over the stuff that he grognarded. This frustrating and laborious process is necessary and worthwhile. Usually we approach tasks with great fear and trepidation. But at the moment we feel ennui. We struggle on in the best tradition of our people. [The Jews?-Ed]. No, bored middle-aged writers who just want to finish the gig. 

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