Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A Good Hardhat Day to All

Happy Hardhat Day to all those who celebrate. Via our late FBF Kathy Shaidle (PBUH): After the infamous Kent State Riot on 4 May, 1970, Communists set up a camp by the World Trade Center site and then, “Hundreds of New York city construction workers [from the nearby World Trade Center site] had decided they’d had enough. They proceeded to charge the makeshift camp and forcibly replaced the Communist banners with the Stars and Stripes." USA! USA!

Speaking of counterriots, Stave Sailer notices*: 'I mentioned this earlier, but the evidence continues to pile up that the big brawl on UCLA’s central quad last week was largely started by pro-Israel Israelis and perhaps other Jews: the Jewish version of the Men with Gold Chains whom I talk about a lot in describing the modern San Fernando Valley.' Sailer points out, as has the great David Cole, that a lot of LA Jews are burley Israeli, Persian, and Russian Jews. Aerial Sharon was a descended from Russian Jews and look what he did to the Arabs. Woody Allen, these folks ain't. Good. 

Moving on to more conventional violence, the IDF occupies the Rafah crossing. It's fought several gunfights against Hamas terrorists, demolished some tunnels, and assassinated the head of Gaza's naval unit. That's not a bad 48 hours work. Meanwhile the IAF hit 20 Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. Defense Minister Gallant is warning of a 'hot summer'. Is the situation great with the latest pressure from the Biden Regime? No. But it's pretty good. 

The War Night: and Other Stories of the Great Nuclear War of 1975 concept may not work. We just can't think of an epic War Night story. So we may change the title to War Night: Stories of the Great Nuclear War of 1975. We shall see.

While we haven't thought of a world leader to write about, we know he'll be dealing with the death of a close member of his family at the same time the war begins. This is alternate history, so we can have the president of TBA loose a kid in a car wreck, or something. 

We're almost done with War Night's Lexington story. It's really just a case of what problems Mayor H. Foster Pettit has to deal with and what he sees around town. seems the mayor went by Foster. We've had people calling him Harry. No problem to change that. Note, there will be plenty of work to be done once we finish the rough. Anyway for those interested, here's an obit of Mayor Pettit.

We're going through the World War 1990: Norway MS chapter by chapter. Today it's Chapter V: the Battle of Lyngenfjord. This is a Soviet task force based on the Sverdlov gun cruiser verses a Norwegian fortress. We read it and...He shoots! He scores!


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