Thursday, May 30, 2024

Noticing Sailer Noticing Jews

Despite getting only there hours of sleep the night before, we didn't even feel tired till we went to bed. Weird. 

We did a weights session at the gym Tuesday and a six mile walk yesterday. The skies were partly cloudy the temp 75 + (that's F not C, screw you and your fru-fru metric numbers, Europe). We were warm but not hot. A long but pleasant walk. Overall, we feel good, based even. 

On Tuesday the bathroom remodel began in earnest. When the guy doing the tile asked what color grout to use, we held up a finger and replied, 'I dunno. Lemme check with the boss.' Light gray was the answer. We neither know, nor care about the bathroom tile grout color. 

The Times of Israel reports that a hypothetical right-wing party would win 25 Knesset seats in the next election, Likud would win 21 seats. Oh, and, 'Respondents preferred Netanyahu to Gantz as premier by a margin of 36 percent to 30% in Wednesday’s survey...' Nut graph, as the J-School losers would say, Bibi and Likud are gaining. Remarkable. The Times' David Horowitz has an apt analyses of the poll and Netanyahu's situation, 'Netanyahu’s opponents, first and foremost Benny Gantz, will recognize that their hopes, even expectations, of ousting him just took a significant hit.' Update: Gantz submitted a bill to dissolve the Knesset. BUT, Israelis in the know say the bill is DOA.

In Noticing's Myth of the Golf Nazi, Steve Sailer writes, '...Eastern European Jews were typically shot down by German Jewish country clubs who saw the nouveau riche immigrant Jews as pushy and crass Al Czerviks [Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack.' Yep! We come from nice, genteel banker and lawyer German Jewry. Much more acceptable than the used car salesmen, or dare it be said, farmer/peasant stock of Russian Jewry. Our grandfather's grandfather used to stand at the door of Temple Emanu El in midtown Manhattan and make sure those nice German/Jewish girls didn't bring any Polski Jews to the temple's youth functions. Jacob F. Loeb would not have approved of our marriage to Mrs. Stroock, whose ancestors came right out Fiddler on the Roof

Hooves, Tracks, and Sabers is out. 

Our story, Standoff at San Miguel, in which a troop of US Cavalry Scouts tracks down Pancho Villa.  Available at Amazon.

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