Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Will Continues to Notice

It's 3 AM and we're wide awake. Why? We've no idea. We were just about to drift back to sleep when our BFF in Ireland decided to ding us. Bastard. Oh look, the sky is turning gray. We hear birds. Bear with us, people.

Our note about The Bridge on the River Kwai sparked a few comments from the readership. A rarity indeed. We shall continue. We find The Bridge on The River Kwai a visually striking film. It's a cavalcade of jungle greens and browns. Usually we have a block with movies from this era. Filmed in cina-pana-techni-scope, their loud and bright color pallet doesn't seem real to us. The world doesn't feel lived in. But BOTK was hot, sweaty, dusty and filled with grit. We felt we were marching along in the Burmese jungle. 

Sorry, Joe's Gaza pier breaking up is freakin' funny. Also, a bad omen.

FFS when was the last time Robert De Niro made a good movie?

The Israeli Labor Party elected a new leader. Who cares? 'Repeated polls have shown Labor failing to make it into the Knesset in the next elections.' Quite a fall for Labor, once considered Israel's natural ruling party. Labor sacrificed itself on the altar of the Oslo Process a disaster for Israel that led to war and thousands of Israel deaths. Good riddance to Labor.   

As for polls in the United States, we are aware they show Trump in the lead nationally and in swing states. This has prompted the usual 'Democrats worry' articles. Well, don't worry. We recall the same process in early September of 2008 when Barry O had a weird convention, McCain had a weirdly good convention, and the polls showed McCain in the lead. The financial crises did in McCain, one of its few benefits. This blog will believe Trump can win, will be allowed to win, and will be allowed to be sworn in, when we see him sworn in.  

Noticing in Noticing...In an article titled The Myth of the Golf Course Nazi, Steve Sailer writes, 'The surprisingly common Jewish American preoccupation with vague family legends of a grandfather being blackballed at a country club as led me to study up on the history of private clubs.'  Sailer goes on to discuss fancy Jewish clubs of the 20th century. If we may talk about our own family legend....we have no idea if our grandfather was ever blackballed from a country club. We do know that when he was a highly successful ad-man at Young and Rubicam in the 1960s., he was invited to join a fancy Scarsdale country club and told them to get lost. We shall revisit this piece tomorrow.    

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