Monday, May 20, 2024

The Imams are Right...

...The Jew is clever. 

This seems like a good day to remind Stroock's Books readership that we own a t-shirt which reads, 'Mossad: it's NEVER an accident'.

Did the Jews use their weather machine or space laser to bring down Raisi's chopper? 

Thanks folks, and don't forget to tip your waitresses. 

[Management apologises* to the readership for that unnecessary comedic interlude. -Ed].

Good Monday, Stroock's Books reader(s). 

We've no insights into what Raisi's death means or doesn't mean for Iran and Iran's war upon the Jews. 

We'll spend today grognarding World War 1990: Norway. No matter what, the MS is going into formatting this week. [No matter what?-Ed] No matter what. We approach formatting with great fear and trepidation. 

We'll also finish up the Lexington story in War Night. As is very often the case, the story we envisioned is not quite the story we've written. Oh well. We still need to think of ways to show a few more details about Lexington after the bombs fall on Frankfurt and Cincinatti, but before they fall on Lexington. For example, what if there's a bunch of people sitting at a bar, drinking their drinks? But why would the mayor end up in a bar?

Our World War Two alternate history story submission is due in two months and we still have no idea what we're writing. 

Ah, cardio at the gym yesterday and a 6 mile constitutional this morning. We feel fab. 

Monday (not) metal. This was brought to our attention by a fan/friend from the great state of Mississippi. Somehow, we'd never heard this song before. How was this not in a Jordache commercial in 1982? The song is simple, catchy, and fun. Pulling that off is no mean feat. The video is good fun too. The fast passed strutting from model and band really makes for exciting shots. Those two guys look like they're having way too much fun. Early 80's score, 4.5/5:

*Note, English spelling.

1 comment:

  1. * English spelling? English spelling? Are you insinuating that ‘American’ is a language? Does it make any difference? You can’t spell in English, French or Yiddish!
