Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuck did What?

Good Tuesday afternoon, Stroock's Books faithful. 

Do you people really need us to weigh in on the whole ICC seeking an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant thing? You do? We really don't have anything, yo. We're not surprised, though. The Jew will always be persecuted. On the plus side it looks like all the western nations except for France are condemning the ICC. Good. Biden's right on this one. 

We look forward to not reading The Yankee Way: The Untold Inside Story of the Brian Cashman Era. Let's get something straight. Brian Cashman hasn't won a world series since 2009 and the great 1990's teams that won 4 world series in 5 years were built by scout Gene Michael. For the entirety of his tenure as GM, Cashman has had unlimited financial resources which he's very often squandered on terrible contracts, like chronically injured $30 million DH Giancarlo Stanton. Brian Cashman's way is to spend a lot of money and not win. We are unimpressed. 

They say Tucker Carlson has launched a show on Russian TV. Or not. Newsweek tells us: 'Neil Patel, CEO of the Tucker Carlson Network, denied claims in Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Astra that the airing of the episodes was part of a "joint project."' The report goes on to say any use of TCN content by the Ruskis is without TCN permission. Not that there's anything wrong with working with Russian media, heh.

We have contacted our people about formatting World War 1990: Norway. This creates new problems. We must needs write the back text and the acknowledgements, though you people know who you are. What color should Norway be? It's going to take all our will-power not to make the cover purple. [Oh sure, why not add a Viking helmet and ax, knobhead-Ed]. Maybe we'll just steal some Led Zeppelin album cover art. ♭ I come from the land of the ice and snow of the midnight sun...♭ Good luck getting that out of your head.

So the Blogger software is glitchy AF, lately. If reader(s) have noticed that the text is gray not black lately, that's because Blogger won't let us highlight and change it. Blogger is also making links very difficult to post. We are frustrated, annoyed even. Our difficulties might have something to do with the new Copilot function added on to Blogger. We ain't putting up with this for long. Note, everything here is cross posted at our Substack