Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday Updates

And a good Saturday Morning to Stroock's Books readers across the continent, the Commonwealth, and the globe. 

Ah, our first week without dance taxi duty since August. We have our evenings back. Summer is here but we're not feeling it yet. No idea why. 

An excellent week of exercise, though the six-mile walks are really taking their toll, and taking too damn long, 2 + hours. I dunno, with summer here should we cut out the walk and return to hour long sessions on the treadmill? Maybe. 

This is post 5685. We bring this up because reader(s) may recall our countdown to post 5000 in 2022, and our plan to stop blogging. Next year will be this blog's 10th year. Yay Stroock's Books. Keeping a blog going nearly every day (we miss on average less than 10 per year) for ten years is hard to do. 

However, alert reader(s) will have noticed this blog is getting shorter while the posts are going up later in the day. The reason is simple. We got a lot less to say. Maybe it's age. Maybe it's ennui. Maybe it's laziness. Seriously, do reader(s) need our deep thoughts on American politics? Or Israel. Or workout updates. Or lame comments from a dumb imaginary Liverpudlian editor [Hey!-Ed]. Heck, we could rename this blog Will's Daily Diary of Things he Did. This blog doesn't make us money, and it doesn't sell books. And overtime it's not expanded, but shrunk. 

Oh look, Blogger fixed the software glitch and things are operating normally again...

The things.

We didn't make a whole lot of progress on World War 1990: Thatcher's War, nor did we expect to. We really won't be able to proceed till we get the project more thoroughly researched. That process is happening slowly and won't be able to accelerate till we wrap up...

...We have the World War 1990: Norway proofs back from the grognard and the proofer, and we are wrapping up our read through of the proof. There are corrections to make and one semi-serious problem to fix. This process has gone on far too long. It's time to stop. 

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