Sunday, June 16, 2024

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 6/16/24

Happy Father's Day to all those who celebrate. We're going out to a fancy Chinese restaurant with dear friends. Our father blessedly walks the earth with his ever-present canine companion and still dwells in our childhood home. We're also thinking of our late grandfather a tremendous influence upon us, as his grandfather was upon him.* 

Cardio yesterday. Weights this morning? We feel the ever present tug of the lawn needing to be mowed but we just don't feel like it right now. 

The last 17 years of our life have been dominated by having one, then two, then three daughters. As we push into our 50s, we think about the future. Next year Oldest Daughter will be off to college. It's been a while, since we only had two daughters around the house. Eleven years in fact. In ten years, Youngest Daughter will be three years gone. We don't delude ourselves. These next ten years are going to go by right quick. 

So what's the plan for the week? We'll finish the World War 1990: Norway edit in the next few days. That will put us back on World War 1990: Thatcher's War. The main task there is research. But we should be able to add a bit to the 10,000 words we've written. We have a man on the ground in Ireland, and he clears up questions we have about The Troubles, etc. 'Now who are these Provos, again?' Oh, we owe a WWII alternate history story in five weeks. Better think about that one.

Which brings us to Will's Good Idea for the Week of 6/16/24. We're going to be talking about the well written and performed female characters in Dune all week here at Stroock's Books. This is in response to those damnable women running Disney turning Star Wars into a coven of Lesbian Space Witches (thank you Chris Gore/Critical Drinker). Seriously The Acolyte is very badly written. They had the chance to make the 'gayest Star Wars ever' their words, and ended up writing a bunch of characters that look and feel like they're members of the South Brooklyn Community Lesbian Garden Co/op. This was their chance, and they effed it up.

Also, we began this blog way back in 2015 to give us something to do in the afternoon and talk about teaching. Ironically, or hilariously, our teaching career ended soon after. But we're going to write about our teaching gig at Raritan Valley Community College because why not? We'll see if we can dig up some old syllabi and tests. We miss it. God help us we do miss it so. We'll never set foot in a classroom again. 

*Jacob F. Loeb, 1868-1937.

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