Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Will is Kean on Farage

A good Tuesday Stroock's Books faithful; ♭we all believe, we all believe....faithful...♭ Pearl Jam song. 

Happy Jerusalem Day, not you Gazans and West Bank Persons. 

It's primary day here in New Jersey. We hadn't even realized till our boy, Congressman Tom Kean (for whom we made calls in 2020), sent us a reminder text. Should we bother? Kean is the son of a well regarded former governor, and staunch supporter of Israel. 

The Alpha Chi Rho fraternity newsletter informs us that today is the 129th anniversary of the founding of the fraternity by seven men at Trinity College. Amisci Usqe ad Aras....deep graven on each heart...shall be found unwavering true...when we from life shall part. AXP! For further reminiscences....

We went to Youngest Daughter's chorus performance last night. God help us, these things make us just a bit emotional. 

We had a day off from exercise yesterday. How do we start this week's regimen? Weights or cardio? A 6 mile walk goes in between.

Till last month Israel had gotten the best of the Hezbollah border skirmish. No longer. Hezbollah has forced tens of thousands to leave their homes, caused a steady trickle of damage, and now dozens of small fires amounting to one big problem. Hezbollah is winning. We've been saying this since the beginning of the war, and we don't say it lightly now: Hezbollah, Bibi. The war cabinet meets tonight.

Fuel is a pleasant cafe in the equally pleasant town of Great Barrington in the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction. Fuel's owner reports, 'Palestine Hamas protesters went from the town hall and then in front of our establishment because one of our former employees who joined the communist group was let go for bringing his politics to work. ' One of Fuel's partners is Israeli, and we need not imagine what the protesters made of that. We've seen the pic. We'll be patronizing Fuel a lot on our next sojourn.

Herr Farage will stand for election on the Reform Party ticket. This is bad, bad news for Prime Minister Sunak and the Tories and good news for anyone on the right.  No fate is too bad for British Tories. Smite them, Herr Farage. Smite them with extreme prejudice. This blog urges His Majesty to send for Mr. Starmer straight away. God Save the King. 

Hooves, Tracks and Sabers stubbornly remains in the top ten of its Amazon category. Why not buy a copy? 

We have ordered two World War 1990: Norway proofs, one for us, one for our proofer. We await the proof with great fear and trepidation. 

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