Sunday, June 23, 2024

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 6/23/24

Good Sunday, Stroock's Books faithful. 

Interesting weather yesterday was we had a late afternoon summer storm and then an evening downpour which lasted at least an hour. 

Cardio yesterday. Weights this morning. We feel based.

Let's get to Will's Good Idea for the Week of 6/23/24. We have a few.

First we can delete all of our World War 1990: Norway links. And we can stow our World War 1990: Norway notes. Also we can throw out our World War 1990: Norway proofs. 

Our World War 1990: Thacher's War research continues apace. The conflict is dreary and monotonous with the Protestants killing three Catholics in an attack on a bus, so the Catholics shoot up a Protestant bar, which is followed up by Catholics blowing up a Protestant school, and then the Protestants riot in a Catholic neighborhood...Official IRA this and Povo IRA and...We're recalling the contempt we had for this conflict and the people who waged it. Was it really worth all that? 

Nevertheless the more we read the more good ideas we have. Those ideas are ill-defined, still not quite formed yet. But forming they are. We expect to have a whirlwind finish to the month of June with lots of writing to report next Saturday. Today we'll write the Thatcher's War Yugoslavian scene which will accompany the Iraq scene in laying the groundwork for future novels. As we wrote the previous sentence it occurred to us that we could probably write a Libyan scene. If one knows anything about the IRA, one knows why. Look at that, spellcheck knows who Slobodan Milosevic was. 

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