Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday Updates

Shabbat Shalom, loyal Stroock's Books readers. Services last night. As it's summer, the rabbi is on vacation. Mrs. Stroock and Oldest Daughter conducted services. 

So we got to the gym yesterday afternoon for a weightlifting session. We hit the scale, and ef me. At 4:30 PM it said we weighed 240 pounds, 17.1 stone for subjects of the crown, or 108 kilos for Europeans saddled with communist metric numbers. That's 240 pounds after a week at the beach eating takeout.

The Things.

We submitted Ambush at Lingayen Gulf. As these are the same people who published Standoff at San Miguel, we're optimistic. They seem to like us, which is understandable. That being said we, think, we don't know and won't know for a few weeks. Until then wish us luck. 

We had a good week researching World War 1990: Thatcher's War. We're still not sure about how to show IRA and Sinn Fein leadership. Or even what to show. But we've a good handle on the IRA rank and file and a good feel for the time.  

In War Night, the Haig in the bunker story has taken shape and the general concept is set. One thing, we wrote a Haig in the bunker scene in The Great Nuclear War of 1975. It's about 500 words and shows everything we intend to show in War Night. This presents an interesting dilemma. Are we retconning the story, or merely expanding it? Ethically we're okay with the later. It's not like we're pulling a Geroge Lucas and putting Hayden Christiansen at the end of Return of the Jedi.  Exit question, can we do this with other scenes in the nuclear war series?

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