Friday, July 26, 2024

We're Back

Back from Long Beach Island*, thank the lords of Kobol. In between rain squalls we got in two hours at the beach yesterday. The ocean was rough with green-gray water that was cool, but not cold, and refreshing. The waves were fun to ride. 

In truth it's nice not to have to wonder and worry about the weather. Or sit there at 9 AM and fret over everyone else not getting ready for the beach. And we all sleep better at home.  We had some weather challenges, but managed beach and pool every day of the week. Last year three days were total washouts. We were pissed.  

We've been doing laundry all day. We love that the sheets, towels exedra still smell like our condo. It's hard to describe the scent, but it's clean, and airy and fresh with touch of salt breeze. The linens smells like...the beach! 

This ends the 'what Will and family did at the beach' phase of this blog, temporarily. We'll be heading back in August. And next week we'll remove to the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction for a few days. 

*In New Jersey, when one says LBI, everyone else knows to what one is referring. 

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