Sunday, July 7, 2024

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 7/7/24

Well that was a wicked bout of food poisoning we had yesterday afternoon. We'll spare reader(s) the details. We feel fine this morning, so far, though not a hundred percent. Ice chips, coffee, a piece of bread. Alert reader(s) will recall that yesterday we wrote we had too much steak Friday night. We don't think the steak made us sick, though thinking about it last night did. We believe the culprit is the chickpea salad we had with lunch yesterday.

All we could do last night was lay on the couch and take comfort in the most comforting movie we know, Star Wars. We spent a lot of time reconsidering our life choices, especially the cigar and beer we'd had before feeling the first twangs of food poisoning. By 10 PM we'd vowed never to have another. We've backed away from this extremist position this morning, as light and a decent night's sleep brought clarity. But still....

We had hoped to get a metric fuck-tonne of writing done yesterday. We planned and God laughed. For as it is written, we plan, God laughs. As Stilgar would say, 'As written!'. But we had a couple of good ideas laying there on the couch wondering if we needed to hightail it to the sink. 

World War 1990: Norway, stubbornly refuses to leave the top 20 of its Amazon category. Norway has 9 ratings amounting to 4 + stars and soon to be ten ratings as we wait for a review to migrate over from Goodreads. 10 ratings 4 + stars. That's it. That's all we need. That's how we know we wrote a good book. One can think all one wants. But one never knows till the customer opines. Reminder: if the public rejects your work, the public isn't wrong, you are wrong. We are not wrong. 

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 7/7/24: so as it turns out our protagonist in Ambush at Lingayen Gulf was in tanks during the Great War. When a tank platoon leader goes down, the protagonist is tapped to take command and climbs into an M3 Stuart for the first time. That's what we came up with lying on the couch and griping, 'All we had was water! Why are we about to upchuck! Son-of-a...uh oh...'

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