Friday, August 2, 2024

Jews on the Water

Shabat Shalom Stroock's Books readers. Let's pop on over to Israel Radar and see what we missed overnight. Israel assassinated an Islamic Jihad honcho....the Regime is pressuring Israel while simultaneously promising to defend Israel in case of attack....Oooo, Israel won the silver in Judo! 

What else is going on out there?....politics...bah! We swipe at the air and drink our grog...Ya'll know Trump's gonna blow it, right? We warned three weeks ago that the polls would change. And the polls have changed. The polls will change again. 

The Olympics are lame. We know, they're on the telly throughout the evening at casa de Stroock by the lake. And it turns out some boxers like to beat up girls. Figures. 

Camp Halfmoon has been on the lake for more than a century. A few years ago it was bought by an Israeli company and is now Kimana-Halfmoon. It's not just an Israeli summer camp, it's a summer camp for Israelis it seems. One hears tonnes of Hebrew via loudspeaker and spoken on the water. A couple of canoers paddled over to our boat and said hello. They were nice young kids from Tel Aviv. Must be nice to get away from the war. 

Due to bad weather, we'll be returning home this afternoon, that's after another run out on the like. Reader(s) will excuse us.

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