Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday Updates

Greetings Stroock's Books congregants, and Shabbat Shalom. We write from Stroock Central Command in New Jersey, after having driven home through the Hudson highlands in a torrential downpour of seemingly biblical proportions. Seriously, it was like Interstate 287 turned into a river. Yikes. 

We awake to see that Iran still hasn't struck and the Israelis have carried out two assassinations of people it they don't like, one in Lebanon, one in Rafah. Is it us, or have the Israelis stepped up their game? Impressive. Most impressive. You know what the imams say. 

The things:

We didn't do a lot this week as our days were dominated by driving cars and boats. But plots advanced on two fronts. 

Ironically, we suppose, we're working on Taoiseach scenes in both World War 1990: Thatcher's War, and War Night. We shall avoid idea overlap.  

We still await word on Ambush at Lingayen Gulf. We await with extreme prejudice. 

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