Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Updates

Mrs. Stroock is away on business, so it's just the six of us here.

We hit the gym 5 times since getting back from the beach. Our right shoulder is sore and we're wondering if we should take the weekend off. But we love the gym. We do love it so.

Fun fact. Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of a huge, trajectory changing event in the 2004 election. We'll see if involved parties make note. Related, Kamala's people understand that Dick Cheney's endorsement hurst not helps, right? Right? My word the things these people used to say about Cheney. It's getting harder and harder to swallow those black pills.

The Things:

We've done almost nothing on World War 1990: Thatcher's War.

We spent the week working on War Night's Voodoo Genie chapter and that is coming along splendidly. We've fallen behind, of course, and are not pleased with the pace of this project. But a December release is still possible. War Night is 46,000 words. 

Sadly, Ambush at Lingayen Gulf was not accepted for this compilation...mother!@#$#!. Click on over and give it a look, anyway. 

1 comment:

  1. Just the six of you? Math was never your strong point…knob head!
