Friday, September 6, 2024

Will Weighs in, But not First

Routine bloodwork this morning. Can't wait to see how far above the safe limit our triglycerides are. Three times the limit? Four? Blood work means no coffee till 8 AM. 'Uh-oh' the girls said as if they were lamenting, 'Watch it! Dad's sober today!'

Sports Wrap: Why are we wearing a Philadelphia 76rs T-shirt? Well, we like the color, and the T-shirt has the old school logo. Otherwise, we don't know, we don't know. We caught some of the Ravens/Chiefs game last night and confirmed that we are not physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually prepared for football. Did anyone have the over/under for Taylor Swift sightings on the telly?

We understand there's been some controversy about Tucker Carlson interviewing a revisionist World War Two historian, or some such. We didn't see the interview, and we don't care. Tucker is getting weird, to be sure. We think it's all the time he's spending in the woods. When one spends an extended time at the lake house, one does get the sense that the trees are closing in.

Powerline has an interesting post on the 'America should have stayed out of WWII camp'. They quote a Frenchman who concludes, 'The alt history that [Pat] Buchanan and others fantasized about was never, ever, ever going to happen.'
Pat Buchanan made this same revisionist argument 25 years ago. 

Buchanan et al were wrong, but the counterfactual was interesting. America staying neutral during WWII was actually the first alternate-history idea we ever heard, when we read Robert Harris' Fatherland back in '92.* We've played around with a US/Nazi Germany cold war. We even wrote a few thousand words once. NATO would stand for, North American Treaty Organization. But we could never really make the idea work. 

Leil Leibowitz has an interesting article in Tablet, about the Bring Them Home protests in Israel, Bring them Home is bringing us to the Brink. The author makes a point we've made a few times, 'the Bring Them Home movement in Israel is now an amalgam of anti-Bibi activists who’ve been marching for years under a host of different banners, bolstered by sheer emotionalism that argues for a deal at any cost, even if it means leaving Hamas victorious.' Leibowitz goes on to quote an Israeli reservist who argues that the Philadelphi Corridor is more important to Israel than the hostages. Which is true. Yes, we've been waiting for someone else to say it first.

*No, check that, The Proteus Operation by James P. Hoagan. 

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