Monday, October 7, 2024

A Year and a Day

We woke up this morning expecting to see...we dunno what. As of this writing, 7:07 AM, we don't see much today. Day ain't over yet, as Curley once said. We await Hamas' cruelty. In the meantime, when pondering how to commit our thoughts and feelings to print, or pixels, anyway, we came up with a modification to a 50+ year old slogan. Bomb Gaza. 

October 7th 2023 was a Saturday. We remember it vividly. Coffee, checking book sales....and then The Times of Israel. Records show we didn't blog that day. Instead we watched in disbelief as pics of the Nova music festival, Israeli army bases, and southern towns flooded the internet. As we've noted before, those videos of Hamas in southern Israel that the press doesn't want you to see, well, we've seen them. 

More than anything else 10/7 marked the end of the Golden Age of Jews in Israel, and here in America. 

As reader(s) might imagine, it's 10/7 week here at Stroock's Books. 

We don't believe in wallowing in the moment. What are we, Irish? Today we'll carry on normally. 

Autumn hasn't really arrived yet here in northern New Jersey. We barbequed yesterday, which means quesadillas tonight. We're getting by with the typical autumn attire of shorts and a long sleeved T. We've begun growing our winter beard. We may do the neck thing this year. 

Mrs. Stroock's Phillies broke a 6-6 tie in the bottom of the ninth to win game 2 of the NLDS. There was much rejoicing in the Stroock household, and we celebrated by getting ice cream. 

We didn't watch one snap of the Giants' victory over the Seahawks.

We did see most of the Jets' most Jet like loss to the Vikings, in London. Aaron Rodgers looked both bored and annoyed as he under and overthrew his wide receivers, who clearly have no chemistry with their quarterback. Same old Jets. 

We're halfway through with the 8,000 word short story we have to submit [looks at watch] in six days. This is a naval story, and as always we get hung up on, who's the guy in the place with the thing? We have books for that. We approach the task with great confidence. This story is as Jewy as a story about a submarine in the Western Pacific can be. Jew score: maximized. 

Monday (not) Metal. We'll end on hope. Here's the transformative scene in Raid on Entebbe, after the commandos get the go ahead. Hine ne ma tov means roughly, 'how wonderful we brothers are gathered here.' This is the scene that makes the movie:

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