Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Shock and Awe Coming to Greenland

Good afternoon, Stroock's Books constituents. The sky is dark. The ground is frozen and white. The walkways gray and covered with salt. The Yankee Winter is here in full effect. But yesterday we managed to not worry, fret, or otherwise get pissed off about something. First time in weeks. [You're turning Stroock's Books into a mental and self-help blog, aren't you?-Ed]

Up in the darker, snowier, icier north, Justin is resigning. Right? Justin seems determined to make his leaving office as difficult for himself, his party, and above all his country, as he possibly can. That is Justin's legacy. Also, authoritarian lockdowns, mass migration, taxes, inflation, declining standard of living...

Speaking of Canada, Mark Steyn laments the 10th anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo Massacre and all that's happened to free speech in the decade since. Yes, the west, our leaders and media have been cowardly. Weak kneed, pansy-assed cowards the lot of 'em are. Ten years later free speech has been badly and permanently damaged. At the time of the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, we'd been a minor foot soldier in the free speech wars for more than a decade. We'll repeat what we said to all the 'je suis Charlie' band waggoners and newcomers in 2015, 'We don't need you. Get lost.'*

Congress's (SP? I duno) counting of the Electoral College votes yesterday went boringly and swimmingly. We were disappointed. Note: congress didn't certify the votes. The states certified the votes. Congress merely counted them. Anywho, that's the first time since 1988 the Democrats didn't challenge the legitimacy of a Republican presidential victory. 

We listened to Trump's presser this afternoon while clearing a blocked vacuum cleaner. 'What did Trump say?' we asked as we pulled a sock from the vacuum hose. 'Did Trump really just threaten to use military force against Greenland? And how the hell did we suck up an entire sock?' Trump does like to ramble, he does. And we needed a plumber's snake to pull that sock out of the vacuum hose. We dunno, should one really pick a fight with Vikings? 

We are playing around with the War Night story order. Haig in the Bunker as the first story seems like a good idea. Hey, we gotta think of story titles, Haig in the bunker's title ain't gonna be Haig in the Bunker. We also gotta admit, looking at the ten stories it just feels like....one story is missing. God damn it. So we'll read through War Night one more time while we wait foe something, anything. And it's a good thing we. We just read through the Haig chapter. Yikes. 

*FB tells us that a decade ago we were posting about Charlie Hebdo. We wouldn't bother today. And as for certain pics, we've got a family to think of. Posting Charlie Hebdo pics or the Danish cartoons will get you arrested in Britain and Canada. Is it worth it, when the battle is already lost? 

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