Thursday, November 5, 2015


We're finally getting a serious bio of President Bush (41).

Ahh, the elder Bush. To this Gen Xr's mind, the brunt of Dana Carvey impersonations and terminally un-cool. He barfed on the Japanese Prime Minister. Talk about Japan there's an idea from another era....

Sometimes its just time for a change.

Back then his voice was like nails on a chalk-bard for me. I have since learned that I come to feel that way about all presidents.

George Bush was the first president I voted against. I voted for Bill '92 and regret nothing. Honestly he seemed like a distant and aloof patrician. I loathed the man.

I have also learned that to judge a president, one needs time. We certainly have that.

Bush actually managed the recession of '92 well. I have heard it argued, by Michael Barone I think, that the tax cuts he approved actually helped fill the treasury during the '90s boom.

Bush handled the savings and loan crisis and the BCCI scandal.

Bush was an excellent war time president.

You see, there's a reason I kept him as president for World War 1990.

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