Thursday, November 5, 2015

Why do you think, genius?

Over at The Week, they're wondering why there aren't a lot of conservative college professors:

But here's my question: What's behind the apparent bias? Is it merely a matter of leftists hiring the like-minded and excluding those who dissent from the party line? No doubt, that's part of it. But I think the story is also far more complicated. And this complication makes it very unlikely that simple calls for hiring more conservatives on the grounds of fairness or diversity will make a meaningful difference in rectifying the ideological imbalance.
So let's pretend you're a conservative on campus. I don't have to pretend because I am. There's one thing I never anticipated when I took the job. That is, the sheer monotony of it all, the day in, day out bombardment of leftism everywhere one looks. Here's a poster saying America is practicing apartheid in Puerto Rico, there's a poster on a meeting about campus 'rape culture.' I once attended a planning meeting about commemorating 9/11 and Pearl Harbor and the topics quickly devolved into discussions on the legacy of slavery and the feminine mystique. One professor (sociology, what else?) said he didn't want America to be portrayed as 'a victim of WWII'. That's a direct quote. Yesterday, this showed up in my in-box:
Join us for a Teach-In challenging fear and prejudice against people of other cultures. What is Islamophobia, and how does it affect our community? How and why is anti-immigrant rhetoric on the rise? What is a "real" American?
Come to listen, learn, and add your voice to the discussion.

The Social Action Collective
What is one to do?  I've pulled a few shenanigans at these things, but really, what's the point?

Walk on....walk on to class and teach some American history.

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